Joke's on you, Vincent: there won't even be a season next year!
Joke's on you, Vincent: there won't even be a season next year!
instantly recognised the shit tattoos
Favre: The Total Package just passed Kruk: Only Half Nuts on the New York Times best seller list.
There was a lot of chatter out here in the Bay Area during Lincecum's dismal August (0-5 7.82 ERA) that the team had made him stop smoking grass. There were "Let Tim Smoke" shirts made and even a few mentions of it on sports talk radio. His numbers from September were 5-1 with a 1.94 ERA, so there is speculation the…
The Chinese players were just fired up from Donewold's pregame speech: "YOU EACH NEED TO PLAY ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY!"
@HockeyMountain: "Teach Me How to Tuckie" was a popular song in the Jame Gumb household.
"Teach Me How to Suckie" is the title of ASU's female freshman orientation video.
Never, ever, ever, ever!
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Adrienne Simmons: Dead.
Agatha Christie's unpublished novel about the murder suspect suffering from premature ejaculation was entitled The Case of the Accidental Skeeter.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Russell Simmons: Warrior Poet?
Just like when the Yankees used to shower Micky Mantle, except they used Glenlivet and he had a funnel instead of goggles.
cool-hungry Moscow
The gentleman that does have it , has no computer or computer skills.
I don't envy the auctioneer who has to decipher whether or not the Black Panthers in attendance are protesting or bidding.
Let's look at the bright side. At least the radio show isn't simulcast.
Reilly needs to get back to what made him great. Tooth related humor.
This video is like televisual Ambien.
I've seen better security at a Dallas motorcade.