@Peter Nincompoop: 2. Brandon Lee.
@Peter Nincompoop: 2. Brandon Lee.
When asked about the incident, Rooney responded by muttering something about his Frederico's olive oil voice.
If I was Larsen, I would be worried about the guy with the giant black vibrator.
Yasser Arafat refers to the Yitzhak Rabin assassination as the "Tel Aviv thing".
Another Jared acting as a pitchman for 6 inchers? Incredible.
As much as Tim Lincecum has smoked this yr for Giants, it's almost impossible for him to smoke as much as Bill Lee in 75.
The Byron Scott pregame Klan rally on the other side of the stadium is only $2 and they serve white meat chicken and just the cream filling of oreo cookies.
Plus, I have a lot of experience around me, so I'll have support. I just can't wait to get started.
Tomorrow the guidance counselor is teaching the children how to file for unemployment.
It's not so easy to flap your wings up to 90 times a second when you're getting smashed into the concrete
Jesus pooped. Tim Tebow does too.
That's great hustle.
trespassing, disorderly conduct and breach of peace
I am waiting for the feature in Parade telling me that Howard Huge is dead. Seriously, fuck that unfunny dog.
This looks like a group of guys that can shrug off this minor swing setback and get right into some backyard wrestling hijinks.
Mostly we talk about wedding shoes, Twitter, Simmons, and all kinds of other piddling crap.
Clayton Bibgy heard about this and is incredibly proud and furious.
"I was a wanderer, dude. I was like Gandhi," Dykstra said. "He lived out of a bag."
Luckily, no photographer snapped Pauly D fist pumping with Muhammad Ali.
The Blank List is actually a collection of people Arthur has killed and/or boned.