
Gregg Easterbrook thinks this book is purely a cash grab.

Mike Myers is said to be incredibly nervous to be shooting another hate video while standing next to a black man.

Bastard Horn was how Seigfried referred to Roy's adopted son during a regrettable fit of rage.

Tim TebO's are actually communion wafers with the middles cut out.

And for Pokey

In #17, he was actually asked to perform a sobriety test because what he had said was so goddamn stupid.

Sour Play of the Week: The Jets GM Mike Tannenbaum forcing the Revis holdout because it is in his nature to try to squeeze every last dime out of people. The Jets should have known that when hiring him.

The next slide explained how anything multiplied by nothing equals zero...therefore TED x Detroit = 0.

I strained and pushed, but nothing came out but a tiny Trickle.

Thankfully, ED209 had just beaten them up and knocked their guidance systems off track.

This guy also appreciates a good tranny. He also likes a nice carburetor, fuel intake system, and exhaust pipe.

"Trust me, old people can still kick some ass."

Maxime Talbot was praying they would misspell his name to something less effeminate.

Lance Armstrong was referred to as the King of Merkin after his chemo treatment.

Running out of ideas, Tom Cable tried this with Jamaracus Russell thinking it might ease his back pain and give him some more balance in the pocket.

@Arthur_Digby_Sellers: Damn hangover after attending the Giants game last night has caused me to misremember Peanuts characters. Please forgive me.