Fortunately the cameras turned off before she tried to interview the ass thinking it was Hank Steinbrenner.
Fortunately the cameras turned off before she tried to interview the ass thinking it was Hank Steinbrenner.
The 2nd best line of the day comes from Charlie Brown, who had finally had enough of Peppermint Patty: "Good grief, you cunt. Hold the fucking ball still or next time I'm curb stomping you."
@ScientificMapp: Awesome
@AC_Greens_Virginity: I was thinking about making a joke about the guy on the left with a forehead so big I can see what he is thinking. I reconsidered, though because that guys has seen gotten ridiculed enough.
Isn't Schmupdike the Yiddish term for a lesbian?
Karate: Worth All the Years Of Stupid Training When The Perfect Time To Explode Some Guys Nuts With a High Kick Presents Itself
"Formerly Censored Dwarf" was how HBO advertised Bill Maher's Real Time after switching from ABC.
The outfielders better expect to get heckled with a number of "GET OFF MY LAWN" shouts.
Brock and Salk was that horrible interracial buddy comedy where Lou travels back in time to help Jonas cure polio.
"Fierce snake charmer" is listed on Kat Stacks resume as previous experience.
Bruce Jenner's face is melting of embarrassment.
I have seen five holes exposed like that since the lesbian gang bang using Lucite dildos.
They were fucking MAGIC.
Columbia put together some line-blowing designs for their bid, but FIFA didn't think strobe lights and disco balls were appropriate.
Those skills will come in handy when he is working for Fed Ex in 3 years.
...they assist him putting his ball in the hole that is 3 inches wide.
I want to see HBO's Real Sex handle this story...and make sure it is sandwiched in between a story about 60 year olds learning how to masturbate and an in depth look at a South Carolina swingers convention.
His "Immobile Stiff" #72 jersey was in the laundry.
I saw a cloud of my own breath as I pressed the play button.
"Old sack of shit Donald" was Sutherland's nickname on the set of Animal House after pranking Dean Wormer with the flaming brown bag.