
Give him 4 or 5 posts on a Wednesday and have him write his favorite stories from his career that include some famous actors

Jay Cutler's pee wee coach did that, and look what he created.

The most shocking thing in this story is that there is a woman actually named Franquell Pharms.

She's simply not with fucking, God.

But if he does get moved, it'll be interesting to see where he ends up.

The Radiers offered breakfast with Al Davis, but it has to be at the Alameda County blood bank and between the hours of 11pm and 4am.

Marky celebrated the touchdown by doing curls with cinder blocks attached to the end of the bar and punching a heavy bag with no shirt.

This is the story of a bar with a modicum of computer knowledge, and a dream.

I imagine Wilford Brimley just did a spit-take with his oatmeal and then quietly sobbed.

Meet Your New Undersized, Scraptastic, Very White California Hero

Amazingly, this is not the most hideous looking redheaded woman to appear on deadspin this month.

Want to putt better? SHOTS

At least the Nets all have an excuse when their road beef ends up with the clap.

Stephanie Powers would often call doing lines off her costar's junk "blowing her nose with the Wagner Act".