
Amazing that the final tally matched his career QB rating. Bravo voters.

If getting drunk and making crude remarks is now against the law, can I claim entrapment on Deadspin?

The good news is he only caught 2 of her 4 STDs with that boob grab.

Based on this kid's soulless eyes, I am guessing his next summer project will be breaking the Guiness Record for most stray cats beaten to death.

It was a publicity stunt, sure, but the old dude was still pretty good!

When asked to describe Andre Smith, Marvin Lewis said "Hercules. Wasn't that the name of the little fatass kid in Nutty Professor?"

Choo's missed the boat before

In a related story, Appalachian State just announced they put another outhouse in the parking lot.

Only 1300? Amateur.

That is the most intimidating pussy I have seen since Madeline Albright's upskirt photo.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: Thanks. Feel free to send out the hand me down Frank Reich autographed Bills onesies.

"I guess that shows we should never watch the news, because the preparation didn't do any good."

Larry Craig's campaign buttons were just a little off.

Nyjer Morgan really influenced those impressionable young fans in Miami.

@AzureTexan: Only if he excels at all the strength training exercises and sticks to his diet.

@Arthur_Digby_Sellers:Hungover, heading to work, and still sky high. Was also given a "to do" list by the wife that includes signing up for baby classes and picking out a Buggaboo stroller, whatever the hell that is.

Only just started home after a great night out...just found out I am having a son. Life is good.

I blame that asshole Ben Affleck for making me expect Plimpton to say "No more bally-hoo" in the commercial.

Not as awkward as Muhammad Ali's ad for the iPad.