@DennyCrane: Lance Armstrong has found the perfect company as a pitch man.
@DennyCrane: Lance Armstrong has found the perfect company as a pitch man.
Trying to be the next cool clique of actors, Gabourey Sidibe, Kevin James, and Val Kilmer formed the short-lived Porky's Pack.
Floyd Mayweather is a punk.
Will should stop by The View. He would be the funniest and most coherent person on stage, although he might succumb to Joy Behar's advances.
Carmelo Anthony worked as a undercover narcotic cop in Baltimore and was snitchin.
After numerous complaints from Team USA, the FIBA commissioner reassured them by saying "Don't worry, we still have tons of prostitutes for you to bang after the game."
Bill Simmons would argue that the crane technique Daniel-san uses on Johnny is easily the greatest kick in the world.
@Eddie Murray Sparkles: +1 Well done.
Tito and his lady friend were asked to demonstrate their favorite fisting technique.
The biggest pile of Dinosaur doo-doo he had ever seen!
"I think it was just a culmination of Nyjer's anger that was brewing," Riggleman said.
I nominate the picture of him sleeping on the couch. That has always managed to make me laugh...what a fat piece of shit.
His attorney better have a good DE-FENSE (stomp stomp) DE-FENSE!
@Lionel Osbourne: I think this is my favorite clip of Norm. He absolutely destroys Courtney Thorne-Smith and Conan loses it at the end. Pure genius.
@Steve U: +1 tunnel vision
The girl in the picture was actually the halftime show. Some guy had just jump off a trampoline and slam dunked a nerf ball into her.
@ArkansasFred: This is horrible, this idea.
Steve Phillips got a Heavy Ho from ESPN.
@Gottliebs Cards: As opposed to the Triple Asian Flue which is the chimney system set up in Tokyo triplexes.