
JaMarcus Rusell's BAC rating was 0.27.

Dong Song by Sisqo would have been too obvious.

"Thank you, Eddie. Thank you. Thank you."

But Drew, did you bang while listening to this awesome song?

I don't know David, I thought Vanilla Ice sampling Bowie's "Under Pressure" was pretty thuglife.

"Those fly boys are all a bunch of fags."

In a move to cut costs, Man U hired a local 6 year old to illustrate their media guide.

"So Close" by Jon McLaughlin would have also worked.

A rare photo of Lee Marvin and Donald Sutherland enjoying some off time during the shooting of Dirty Dozen. Also seen: Donald's dick.

Peyton Manning takes his hazing seriously.

Carolina fans are looking forward to the plurality of their offense coming from Matt Moore to Dwayne seriously, they both start.

This is the worst four day stretch I've had in years.

As a punishment for dropping 2 in a row, the coach tips it over door side down.

Gay On Top

Gaby Sanchez sounds like another FSU cowgirl.

He tried to use the bust as a butt plug but his wife wasn't hearing it.

A real man would have hung and electrocuted it.

Why do I have the feeling Paul Sorvino is sitting in a smoky room with Joe Pesci and Frank Vincent figuring out how they are going to kill Anonymous?

That's nothing, the Royals are recycling the empties from tailgates and paying their players in bags of change.

Considering JoePa was in the booth for a while with the busted hip and wasn't wearing headphones, it is obvious he has zero game day responsibility. Other than speaking to boosters and the occasional pep talk, what does he actually do?