I thought they crossed the line when they had Winston Justice rest his junk on the rookie's head to use as the outline.
I thought they crossed the line when they had Winston Justice rest his junk on the rookie's head to use as the outline.
Some big boobed hoes have morals? Where?
The Cubs season is truly a sight to behold. A team beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallions we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.
2 Girls 1 Croc, and the girls are Shelley Smith and Andrea Kremer.
Meanwhile, Doug E Doug has been spurned by everyone except the WB since Cool Runnings.
Valtre-X Games
I am guessing Hep C has him in the crosshairs...just a matter of time.
A dozen Shawows would have dried that field in no time.
Pictures of the bunch of grapes and the apple doing lines in the stall can be found at TMZ.
@ClueHeywood: That was the style at the time. I love that they chose a picture of Grogan warming up with a dip in to put on the trading card.
@Hatey McLife: But it went so well with the two Under Armour shirts he had bought.
Apparently in LeBron's circle of friends, "properly identifying yourself" means wearing a gigantic gold necklace with your initials on it.
Nambla's homepage has an article about a "Young Man's Goal to Score a Really Lovely Lad".
Let's just hope he doesn't try to do his own taxes.
In less exciting news, Hideki Matsui renewed his BangBros subscription.
@InSinSeer: Bravo.
His brother Stuartscott only suffered a detached retina after he was bucked off.
@Phintastic: Just be happy the Sports Fella didn't write it. Stories about smoking 3 cigarettes, playing $25 blackjack with his buddies and getting on a hot streak before staying too long, and waking up hungover would have been the "highlights".
For his pre-coitous pep talk, he told her "Ron Jeremy isn't walking into this bathroom, Peter North isn't walking into this bathroom."