Probably checking their Rolexes while drinking champagne in their Porsches.
Probably checking their Rolexes while drinking champagne in their Porsches.
People wondering what the hell is going on in Washington with the public execution of Scot McCloughan’s career…
At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?
All my excess live in Texas.
It works on so many levels. Three. Three levels.
The avatar helps sells this. +1 and a good day to you sir.
A guy like that really needs to grow a pair before he’d sit for the national anthem.
You can shoot pigs out of it.
dude also complained about getting a poor signal on his phone. and ya thought the female gymnasts were the only ones who dealt with uneven bars
I believe Deadspin fired Will Gordon so they could sell Coors ads.
To be fair, British people have been very skittish recently concerning anything to do with a pound.
Girlfriend: There’s like a really annoying roaring sound coming from somewhere.
Washington D.C. (Politico): After weeks of debate and a deadlocked Senate President Richard Sherman finally passed his stadium reform bill by having VP Marshawn Lynch cast the deciding vote. “When it came down to what to do it was a no-brainer to have Marshawn carry it across the goal,” the President said afterwards.
“I’ve made it to the top,” he said as he watched a blowout high school baseball game on a shitty laptop.
Don't worry. Goodell has already suspended the account.
Typical hotshot corner who thinks he doesn’t need a safety.
After pulling the knife out, many declared Josh the rightful king of Britain.
A strange, strange man has been showing up on morning shows throughout the Midwest, claiming to be a yo-yo trick…