
Now, from a personal stance, I’d say that expecting exclusivity after the first date is absurd and a deal-breaker. Someone getting angry at you because you’re seeing other people when you haven’t had the defining the relationship talk is a dating hazard that you can’t always avoid. Someone getting angry that you’re

The problem with your argument is that the people making it always seem to think that a man "Shirtless" = "Sexualized." There are numerous factors that need to be considered: the purpose of the outfit, the way the subject is being presented to the viewer, their pose, the camera angles, any musical cues.

A woman

I think it's proven its point perfectly. You think a handful of male character with bare chests offsets the massive body of work that puts women in silly revealing outfits and impossible, "presenting" positions. It doesn't.

Kyle & Diana - the profanity in the headline is totally unnecessary. Grow up.

"Trust in God."

65 degrees sounds fine and dandy...unless you live in Phoenix like me. Then its murder on your electric bill as well as your AC unit once June arrives.

This one's a no-brainer. You don't need these anymore. All the music and movies you want are on the internet now or can be stored on a hard drive. So rip them and make some space on your shelves. Bonus: most urban recycling centers accept CDs and DVDs in your blue bin.