
Water under the bridge, my friend, it was all so long ago. Last I heard, he was divorced, so I’m sure he’s on the prowl but he is no longer the cute hippie/surfer he once was, but then, who is?

I became aware that something was up right around her 18th birthday, which is the same day as mine. She was 10 years younger. Still is, I suppose.

The first time I was in love, it was with a guy that I knew in my bones was wrong for me. After 3years, the break up was bad bad bad, but then I found out about the teenager he’d been boning. And while it hurt even more, that’s what kept me far far away when he inevitably became bored with her and wanted to “be

He od’ed on heroin a while back when still with Whitney, and had a stroke. Ergo the screwed up face.

I don’t remember where I read this, but there was some article a while back on him that included  statements and interviews with people who worked with him. Bottom line, great surgeon, shitty doctor.

Dynasty is one of those words I like to pronounce in distinct syllables. Especially in this context.

I don’t think he hates her, I think that’s his way of showing affection for any female, expressing how fuckable he deems them. That’s all he’s got. I think he hates women in general, and he’s not crazy about men either.

Ivanka’s chin is purchased. I remember when she was all long nose and no chin whatsoever.

The rumor is that she must come and pantomime family unity when summoned or he will cease paying for her law school tuition. I find that completely credible. It’s known also that Ivanka, Uday and Kusay descended  on Pop to try to get him to cut Tiff from the will. I believe that too.

That right there, that’s why I cut her some level of slack. 

Ten bucks says she has a sister named Ashley or Whitney.

They were dating when she was murdered. Since they never broke up,how is she an “ex”?

My late dad loooved that song. He sang in a sort of cheerleader staccato while doing that odd twist/ dad dance.

It certainly isn’t a rare thing to pay off a guard or three to look the other way for a bit. I’ve brought this up on Facebook and was pretty much ignored because it’s no fun.

Just so you know, my mother had those sandals in the early 70’s. Hers were Kermit green though.

I don’t know what that means and I live in a place with a loooot of Spanish speaking people. Mariana to me will always be Danger Girl since her coverage of hurricane Whatever, in her practical black leggings, rain boots and windbreaker, facing whipping winds and wild surf like a friggin superhero. The loose hair

She does. 

Unpopular opinion warning-although she may have had the fat pad removed from her upper lids (the only reason I’m not sold on that is because they seem to have returned since) I honestly think she was just out of circulation long enough and at the right time of her life for age and weight loss to make a big difference.

His whole face is now mismatched. Like a really bad police sketch made up of several transparencies. Or a collage. Like a ransom note. 
