
For me, it's mostly the palette itself that is like fingernails on blackboard. If their intention was bubblegum and jelly beans, pink purple neon pastel rainbow 3 year old's birthday cake with Koolaid and Jello, well, they nailed it.

No mention of the color palette? Lord, horrendous, bubblegum neon, pastel-y, awful. And it looks too baked in to change, all of the icons. Pink aqua green yellow. Jony Ive has Barbie's taste in colors. Who knew? Reminds me how I asked my two year old what her favorite color is, she said, "RAINBOW".

I would far far far rather have a regular old pair of pliers and a flip-tip screwdriver that any multi-tool of any kind.

Oh good grief. Chevrolet and then Mr Vengeance designed this car, and the film makers basically lifted it straight. They are making a ton of money on both the film and the toys they sell, and that's the very-only-est reason for the existence of the film and the toys, money. My kid has a bumble bee and Hasbro is

What in tarnation. Hey Einsteins, I want to keep my coffee hot as long as possible. Perhaps you've noticed how people keep going back to the microwave to heat their lukewarm coffee up. Or put it in double wall glasses to insulate it better. Look up the word THERMOS. What are these geniuses going to come up with next?

Completely agree with this. GV does what it does very well with no drama and really no competition. I have one phone number, and can make any device or browser in my house ring when that is called. I can make free phone calls on wifi forever on my cell phone and use no cell minutes. Or call from the browser. I get

So they can make 10", 8", 7" tablets, 5.5", 5", 4.7", etc phones . . . but when they make a 6" phone, they're INSANE! THAT'S ABSURD. SOOO STOOOPID. And what's more hilarious is how people said EXACTLY the same things about the Galaxy Note, which is sold very well and people love, but not as well as the the Galaxy Note

Most people would live out of doors if it weren't for mosquitos, flies, bees, and gnats. Let's all move to the San Juans where apparently they have vanquished all these nasties.

I like how this post is about concentrating on a limited number of things, titles itself that it is about two things . . . and then goes on to make four main points. :)

MakeMKV and Handbrake work in synergy very well. My routine is to use MakeMKV on discs to get a 1:1 copy onto my hdd. This is so much better than just playing the disc, especially to not have to sit through the idiotic menus, preview, molasses slow loading, awful unresponsive playback software and all the other

This is kind of info-taining in a MacGyver fantasy world kind of way. But as to it actually ever really being something that would help you . . . you need two batteries, some welding rod, jumper cables, shade 10 or darker goggles . . . I mean, the odds of you actually being in that situation and having that particular

It seems like a lot more work to split the wood up into little pellets.

My new Sony Duo 11 has a function that prevents the battery from discharging past 20% charge level. (You only get to use the first 80% so you lose that run time.) There's nothing I can see about not letting it get fully charged. Really draining lithium batteries to near zero is bad. But I generally leave all my

I have been through this many times and used to do it this way. I just don't have the patience anymore to hammer out all the ringshank nails. Also, most pallets are pretty beat up and the wood is not much good, I just want the firewood. So now I pretty much just use a battery powered circular saw to cut them up into

It's irrelevant what the password is, how hard it is, or anything. There are ways hackers have of getting into the company's records and simply uncovering the account names and pw's. There are way hackers get the company to reset the pw and send the new pw to the hacker. Key loggers that simply record what is typed

Absolutely. There is no other machine in this price range that has a true Wacom stylus with pressure sensitivity and can run full x86 art/photo/graphics programs. And these programs with that stylus make any similar programs on iOS or Android look, literally, like finger painting.

You can slap a pancake on and have something that fits in your coat pocket. Then you can slap an e mount prime or zoom on and have something half the size and weight of a DSLR. Then you can slap an old prime like my Nikkor 24 f/2 and have fun with it without too much crop factor . . .

Even a Microsoft enthusiast (with a brain) would have to cast a jaundiced eye at the RT version. Losing x86 apps and gaining what? I though battery life was the whole point of ARM - but this only gets 7.5 hrs on the tablet? Screw that. Different, okay, but generally there might be some advantage to being different.

No kidding. I looked a couple of times on Youtube for a good intro to the Win 8 start screen and only found a lot of cruft. Surely MS would simply produce a 2-3 minute video showing someone with a touch screen picking up W8 and navigating around, just the basics, here's how the live tile work, here is the Charms bar

Now imagine this machine with a touchscreen and a Wacom stylus that converts into a tablet. That's pretty much what we're looking at with some of the new Win 8 convertibles. And it cures the touchpad blues and a couple of your other gripes