
So when do they announce the regeneration of Scrooge McDuck into Peter Capaldi?

So I bought a Ps4 slim 1 TB JUST to play this game and it is frikkin amazing :heart:

Sometimes the unpopular opinion is the correct one. This is one of those times.

Unpopular opinion but I actually dig Renner and the character, especially after the mind-control plotline in the first Avengers. Especially his pep-talk part to Scarlet Witch in AoU

I met him at the Dallas Fantasy Faire just as Image was getting off the ground, and he was the nicest, more generous guy we met that weekend (and we also met George Perez that weekend). He spent ~45 minutes sketching and inking Badrock for me for no other reason than I said I didn’t know much about the character.

That would have been awesome! But . . . as an imaginary studio exec I have to ask: Will audiences really buy a Batman who is a stealthy detective???? It really goes against type . . .

Because people have different opinions than you? For example, I fucking loved The Last Jedi and felt it did a bunch of daring things, things that made a lot of fans mad, but were good for the franchise as a whole.

Boobs used to be celebrated, still are by the majority, but now there’s this segment of the population that resents them, strange times we live in :/

Even with nothing but music, TLJ haters will still whine, moan, complain and act as if they’re personally being persecuted by a movie just because they didn’t like it.

Ah yes, the most boring kind of movie complaint: “This movie sucks because the director didn’t film the fan script I wrote in my imagination.”

No actually that would make perfect sense. Starting Jason Todd’s story at the beginning never even occurred to me. That would be the best way to do it. Even though I would prefer they say that Jason’s been Robin for a couple years now. New 52's wonky Batfamily timeline is kinda semi-retconned in Rebirth and a longer

Luke had cut himself off from the Force itself; meaning kinda be hard to find him through the Force, like they could if they just had most of the map and were just missing a piece. Just spread net out in certain area and see if ya feel anything funky fresh in the force. (You just know that Lando oozes Funky Fresh in

So she’s a coward. She was ready to sacrifice her life for the Rebels and to try and avenge Anakin but now that Luke actually could help, nah. She’s good.

If awkward white guys with no coordination smacked each other in the face while attempting high fives counts as violence?

That cut scene actually sounds like a great way to flesh out characters that might otherwise not be fleshed out. And easy, too — it sounds like it’s about a thirty second scene.

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

Crossover team up between the Human Torch and Captain America where they battle Killmonger.

Pratt had an athletic background before he went into that Andy Dwyer body, so his turnaround was probably easier on his body. Not sold on Levi though. More the hairline and face than anything. Then again, I was really on the Armie Hammer for Captain Marvel bandwagon.

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.