
That’s the general thought I’m having, brining two streachy characters out in a semi close timeframe could be problematic. And while I was originally anti changing her powerset. Seeing it in action mimicking some of her comic moves does look cool, so color be optimistic.

I would really have dug the B story being about some inquisitors hunting down Maul, tie it between Solo and Rebels. Use Maul as what pulls Vader away from the rumor of Kenobi. I’d prefer not to have Kenobi and Vader meet up again until New Hope.

I am really hoping it is less of a Into the Spider-Verse and more Quantum Leap. We are all talking about the Spider team up. But what’s to say, when in the trailer you see Strange push the astral form of Spider-Man out of Peter, it doesn’t go hopping around reality’s and into the other Spider-Men? You get one or two

So if this is a true casting information. I am going to guess that Ahsoka and Bo Katan are just going to be in flashbacks to the purge of Mandalore giving some background to how the darksaber ended up where it is now.

If the book Dark Disciple is still canon I think she is dead at this point, I would have really liked to have had that story fleshed out on screen. 

I already pre-ordered the Sideshow Collectibles one, now I have to debate trying to get that deposit moved over to this.

I am still wondering if it is going to end up with a “twist” ending and there really wasn’t an invisible man and it is all in her head and she actually killed him.

I will admit I am a little disappointed that they didn’t have grade school age Jonathan and teenage Conner, but I guess as he is in Titans that makes it almost OK.  Lets at least hope that Damien Wayne shows up. 

If you select him do you just auto block and avoid all incoming attacks?

Ok well the lady on the right doesn’t seem to care about his appearance, not to mention there are plenty of people that are more then willing to take a torpedo to the reactor core from a unattractive but rich/powerful person. So it isn’t a crazy thought that there are plenty of people in the universe that would be

Maybe Yoda is the Doogie Howser, M.D of his species?

It is the year of Star Wars, Mandalorian and Fallen order both were high points for me this year. Fallen Order final section was just great.

The only thing I know for sure is that Lead Jedi #2 would have randomly gone to the dark side in the last 30 min of the movie to start the Sith.

I don’t know for sure but I feel like maybe when I was 11.  That was when my parents moved out to the middle of no where and we didn’t really have anywhere to go to.

The figures have a metallic coat of paint as well. So they look cool

Finally proof that Essential Oils are a benefit to your health.

Just going to dust this one off

She sells fear? Good that is what we need fear that our species is going to die off, fear that our food source is going to die. There is a ton of stuff about climate change we should be afraid of.

Every other problem aside here.   Peter who is friends with how many super scientists, space aliens, mutants and gods ends up with a hook hand?  No stark tech?  Misty Knight didn’t have a spare arm to lend him?   He can create his own tech but he is good with a hook?  I get Peter loves to feel self pity but come on.

What I am wondering is if Marvel/Disney is going to see how the Disney+ system works for the shows and if they might not end up putting most of their superhero and maybe even Star Wars on that rather than theaters.