
Does Luke count? I mean he became one with the force and can probably phase in and out of reality like Yoda etc.

So Rey and Kylo both look like they are fighting multiple opponents at once. Makes me wonder if there is a team up coming or flashback of Kylo wiping out the academy. Or if it’s nothing at all.

I agree 100% with this and mybkid loves the booya as well. He also is sure Green Arrow is the next movie because of Deathstroke

I have a Pro and the X and I have no idea what system tonget it for

Think of it this way Earth to everyone in the universe sees earth as a back water mudhole infested with primitive talking animals. It’s not a bad place to hide stuff why would anyone look for it in the universe equivalent of Kazakhstan.

I have this odd feeling that the answer to all the questions is murdered by Vader.

I’m about 99% sure that will happen. But I also fully expect 1 or 2 episodes in the Diggle Arrow for him to get killed and that will be Ollies big guilt of the year. “I didn’t want to make my son a orphan but now I made John Jr/Sarah have no father”

I think he has the double S on his suit it just looks like a lightning bolt

I’ve had one that was hitting on me and one covered in boils and sores. Was disturbing. Neither has returned from death

So will Ronnie be picked up from outside of time or will it be someone new? Maybe Steins daughter?

I know younger kids are harder to work with but I’d like if Molly was younger seems weirdly close is age/size to the rest.

Now the debate of if I want to not only want to eat at McDonald’s but if I want to wait longer than normal to get the food because of this sauce that might be good?

There is always a subsection of fans that take it way too far. See almost any mainstream cartoon lately. I think I remember a writer on Steven Universe got death threats because they didn’t make a “ship” happen in the show. Toxic people seem to pop up and almost ruin anything.

I am going to hope it’s the alt universe wedding of evil Ollie and Evil Felcity.

I’m honestly impressed that Marvel hasn’t retconed his sexuality that it was actually young Jean wanting a gay best friend mind warped him.

I have always loved the Factor suit and loved that they had something close tonit in Evolution.

This sounds oddly familar to a story I read not plagiarism close but same premise. But I can’t remember who wrote it. Neil Gaimen maybe. But the short story involved kids not adults... going to drive me crazy until I figure it out

Unless the lines right after whatever read is basically “Then she had a baby and the baby was taken by her brother Ned who said I will name him Jon and tell everyone he is my bastards son” It doesn’t matter and even if it did that just means he has line of succession on the king who was disposed. His claim is two

The thing about the reveal from Gilly is that outside of for the fans it won’t matter. Ok they got married but only Ned and Reed knew there was a baby and that the baby is Jon. There is no way to get from secret marriage to Jon is the rightful king.