Does the warning that the “contents may be full of nuts and devoid of facts” apply to the disclaimer itself as well? 🧐
Does the warning that the “contents may be full of nuts and devoid of facts” apply to the disclaimer itself as well? 🧐
I would absolutely prefer a fast food option from a “trusted” fast food brand (relatively speaking, of course) than whatever microwaved options the theater tries to sell me of their own creation.
Yup, this is why I get the anchor kits with the masonry bit, it’s the perfect size for those anchors, and the hole is never too large
My local grocery store, in an area with decent weather (no snow or anything else that would legit make hustling outside the store a miserable experience) had Salvation Army INSIDE the store, posted up with the red metal money box thing AND the bell.
I would definitely be down for a single player campaign of the Creed story.
I would think that if this were a small problem, they’d consider putting those folks on a warning or terminating them.
I find my bottom usually starts puffing after eating too much pie
Some of the general food safety stuff has lingered, even tho it’s been a LONG time since I’ve worked food service.
I think my problem this last time was wiping the old phone before checking all the accounts on my new phone. So I still had the old hardware, but it was useless for Authenticator purposes
Interesting idea, since I already use Google Voice for a secondary phone number
I was unaware of this. Sounds like the real issue is me forgetting that I have a couple of accounts that use Google Authenticator when I migrate phones lol
Authenticator apps are great, but lack a migration feature for when you get a new phone.
This is to try to ensure that the acquisition gets approved, yeah?
The math is simple:
Agreed. The money saved (gas, food, etc) working from home FAR exceeds the value of a couple slices of room-temp pizza once a week
“Before you apply the “stupid” label to whatever group you disagree with and move on, consider the possibly that you are the stupid one”
Full co-sign, and I feel the same way about Jim Carrey’s role in Truman Show
That makes for a more silky texture if I’m not mistaken, yeah? 😋
Fortunately, design problems are only problems when you make Real Things, and not just vaporware 🙃