
lol that’s fair, I’m not certain how those tests work either, so I can’t say that mayo and lemons DON’T throw off the results. 

That might explain the presence of other stuff--like the chicken and beef DNA--but doesn’t explain the ABSENCE of tuna DNA.

It sounds like the best practice would be to find the orange with the most thick zest. The pic appears to use navels, but I'm curious if those super big sumo oranges might work better for this. 

Sweet...upon reading the headline, my pre-coffee brain said to me “freezer?”

I believe the correct answer is “syrup and powdered sugar.” 😉 

Hey guys, I’m starting to think these game execs are marketing gambling at children or something ON PURPOSE 🙃 

Funeral Crashers sounds much more fun as a movie 🧐 

I feel pretty naive rn, thinking that the worst thing you could do with a burrito is use a fork and knife to eat it

Yeah, I’m of the same opinion--that they’re removing the ONLY thing that makes them a viable food option

Or all those political flyers that were gumming up my mailbox recently 

Dem strategy

Or hey, maybe the idea of celebrating America’s independence from tyrannical rule isn’t the best right after SCOTUS decided body autonomy wasn’t real.

Not a single one of these would I eat, let alone make lol

Lol now THAT’S the million dollar question 

All this demonstrates is that this one location uses the same recipes for both items.

This uses real cheese and other actual ingredients. No way in hell this is DB Nachos.

This is 100% “non-stoners tryna make stoner food happen” energy

Solid point. I know the opacity of the highlighter can be adjusted, but not sure if it goes to 100%

Or, ya know, just screenshot the pic after using the highlighter, and share the screenshot instead of the original pic 🙃 

It’s kinda funny that I’ve got both ends of the spectrum, which cover most of my needs with very little overlap.