Arnold Ziffel

he is so arrogant, he naturally assumed he could outsmart the jury....

i have found that the best way is for me to wait til she starts to come, and then let myself go too....a bit tricky timing, but not all that difficult....just takes lots of practicing :)

putin could not care less about the Russian's totally about his personal power and image....nothing else matters to him. ...


i only had one incident when an asshole reclined his seat back onto my knees, even aftre i politely asked him not to....for the rest of the flight i methodically but randomly give him a sharp jab with my knee right into his drove him crazy especially not knowing when the next jab would hit...i took no

i gotta admit its amazing to me that a person can be smart enough to pass the bar exam, work as a prosecutor, and still be absolutely batshit crazy....


at the end of the day, the goal is to control women and make them second-class has little or nothing to do with religion...its about male control and dominance....hey im a guy, and its crystal clear to me whats going on.....

the gop will find some way to kill it....

eventually scalia will outlaw abortion in the usa....thats his plan...hes just waiting for the right case

why not just dump a glass full of sludge down your throat and get it over with ?

fox news ALWAYS finds a way to get it wrong...whatever the subject mater is, they get it wrong 100% of the time...

i REALLY hope this issue makes it to the supreme court while scalia is there....i would just love to see his head could he possibly deny the parents their religious beliefs??? after all the "religion is the first and only thing that matters" bullshit decisions he has made...there no way he could wiggle

justice being served :)

i would give one piece of advice to up, dude, cut the sniveling, its never a good look on you or any guy....

mccarthy is an idiot asshole from hell, but with a great rack

20% unless the service is incredibly bad., which rarely happens to me...

its hard to imagine that someone could be so ignorant, rude and weird....seriously, who does that ???

i got mugged once in was immediately clear that they had me cornered and "resistance was futile".....i said "take whatever you want, here take it"....i got bruised and some cuts, but fine....who would agree to take a bullet in the head over a cell phone?

im afraid you dont see where the gop and scalia are headed as fast as they can....they DO want to eliminate all birth control, and they will proceed step by step until all birth control is illegal....if i were a woman, the gop would scare the crap out of me....and yet, millions of women vote gop? can someone tell me