Arnold Ziffel

there is not one slim chance in hell that i would have dropped my 9yo daughter off alone at a public park....there was ALWAYS a trusted parent watching.....sorry, im just not gonna take that chance with my kid....

there is no wait-and-see period, because leaving kids in a car is unacceptable for any amount of time....end of story....theres no need to complicate this, its very simple....and the cops should always be called.....

oh yeah, the teaparty will support him bigtime....they just love hearing stuff like that....truth is irrelevant, science is despised....basically they go for anything hateful

"Pull all weeds. It is easy"...i assume this is from a person who never actually pulled all the weeds....

thanks obama !!!!!

hey im an animal lover, but if i see a big snake in my toilet and ive got a gun, that snake is going to snake heaven fast...

the money behind this movement doesnt give a rats ass about religionj or life...its all about controlling their bedroom, their jobs, their drs office...everywhere....and yet millions of women vote gop....its like paying your hangman to show up for work...i dont get it....

thats just stupid

the gop has completely devolved into the party for white male protestants with guns....and thats pretty much out in the open now....and im ok with that, because it is a free country and thats what they want to be...what i DONT understand is why any woman would still vote republican? but millions still do....can

the courts unconscionable decision has nothing to do with either contraception or religion....its all about men controlling women....its just a male power grab, plain and simple, disguised in a lot of smokesreen....

i cannot imagine just letting a stranger from craigslist live in my home and take care of my kids....what were they thinking ???????? inho, they are VERY lucky she wasnt a psycho who killed them in their sleep.....

scalia is determined to find a way to outlaw abortion (and probably contraception), and i suspect he will succeed unless the other justices put as much energy and cunning into stopping him....

can you imagine what her husbands life is like? he must be super into s&m

nope...gotta have kate uptons boobs...i love kate upton :)

the gop is incapable of clear thought because the teaparty has them all in its death actually suspecting that the real goal of the teaparty is to thoroughly alienate and isolate the gop from mainstream america, and then convert that isolation into a hate-filled, heavily armed secessionist is

in what way? what was the benefit?

okcupid - met my gf there, we are coming up on 3 crazy about her, she is funny, smart, pretty, kind and very sexy <3

i love kate upton :)

can i ask a dumb question please ? a couple years ago i used to root the android phones, mostly to squeeze more speed from them....but today the phones seem very speedy, what would be the main benefit to rooting todays phones? (i have a samsung galaxy note 2 from verizon)

give the soldier his dog back, for gods sake