im an old guy, and even i have abandoned voicemail because 1) no one ever responds to them anymore 2) i dont even listen to them myself anymore ! is amazing how quickly voicemail is becoming obsolete
im an old guy, and even i have abandoned voicemail because 1) no one ever responds to them anymore 2) i dont even listen to them myself anymore ! is amazing how quickly voicemail is becoming obsolete
gop politicians are having a really serious pissing contest to see who can create the most fucked up law in the history of the universe....and theyre just getting started folks....VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look, we all know why the war in iraq was fill the coffers of defense contractors such as lockheed, boeing, general dynamics, northrup grumann, raytheon, etc....thats how decisions are made in our govt today....our troops (and foreign nations) are just acceptable collateral damage to the defense…
i only talk to really good looking girls, no hate me, at least im honest...
im getting kinda tired of seeing him everywhere....enough already....
i miss getting high....i really do :(
it has to be some kind of self-loathing, i think you are correct
its such a shame that we have to consider "good news about abortion"....underneath all the politics are women who are making probably the hardest decision in their lives, because they want to take responsibility for their lives....its heartbreaking afor them, and its horrible that the right wing wackos are making it…
conservatives absolutely worship fetuses....ok, no problem....but as soon as the kid is born they completely turn their backs on its makes no sense whatsoever....i dont understand the thought process
how bout kate upton braless ?? pleeeeeeezzzzzz :)
well, we sure wont find any good answers on msnbc or fox !!!! imho, nothing will change as long as the politicians are beholden to their campaign funding patrons....and in reality we shouldnt expect politicians to be working for the people....they have to work for whoever is giving them campaign funding !!!....and…
if thats the case, i would bet the farm she will get her wish !!! by all apparent evidence, gop politicians seem to consider women as second class citizens, especially in terms of their bodies (contraception and reproductive rights) and employment (pay scale and status) im pretty sure fox news will rip her to…
that could be...i really cant imagine any other reason she would do it, altho that reason seems pretty farfetched
i guess you didnt understand or read my post....i fully acknowledge that msnbc would attack a conservative (ted cruz) in the same moronic way that fox will attack far as im concerned, both msnbc and fox are straight-up political propanda outlets, and i dont watch either because i assume that whatever…
i swear, i have some kind of mental malfunction that prevents me from ever understanding those license plate thingys...i read this one as a moron....
i suspect that 99% of fox news watchers will NOT be respectful of her opinions, regardless of what they are....most fox viewers are so deeply indoctrinated that they are not capable of clear thinking and objectivity....i would say the same thing if msnbc were to interview ted cruz.....
the basic problem is math...i figure the human population is roughly 2 :1, assholes to good as the population grows, there are simply too many assholes out there, and they are just CONSTANTLY fucking things up....and for every hour an asshole spends fucking something up, it takes a good guy 3 hours to…
ok look, im a guy....i think she has a real cute butt :)
im numerically challenged, so ive learned to just figure out 10% and multiply x 2 !!! and if the service was better than usual i bump it up a bit....simple