
Never apologize to Dave Eggers.

I’m not really inclined towards giving Kojima the benefit of the doubt, especially after that all of his BS about Quiet.  

Italian speaker here, to correct mistranslations ( from the original Italian review into English).

In America, there are many fans of first-person shooters, and a lot of them [wish] that Death Stranding [were] a different game; maybe for that [reason], they didn’t give higher scores.”

Perhaps it is a difficult game to understand for a certain type of critic and audience.

I’d wager there are a lot if comments sections are anything to go by. They won’t have a bad word said about it because Kojima is an infallible genius.

I dunno. I read a lot of Mobius, a lot of manga, etc, but there’s still plenty of variety in American comics if you don’t stick to superheroes (even then, there’s plenty). I think there’s just that bias that “only the better (or more popular) stuff is translated and imported” so it seems like it’s higher quality.

For what it’s worth, you all make the better burgers!

Looking forward to all the headlines about critics who had to delete their X social media account because angry neckbeards death-threated them off the internet because they gave Kojima’s movie a 6.5 out of 10.

It’s gonna be interesting when Kojima makes an actual movie and the casual audience who has never heard his name before gives him mixed reviews. 

Any way you slice it, the pretentious game creator is pretentious. That is not nor should be terribly surprising. Nor am I surprised that a tougher set of American criticisms is met with the unfair (mostly) assertion that European sensibilities are more artistically refined.

Yeah, i’m similarly torn. As much as I love Yakuza, the gameplay was getting a bit stale. Still great fun but I’ve been playing through Judgement and at a certain point it’s like OK, this is practically the same game i’ve been playing for over a decade. But Yakuza, to me, is still a fast paced game where fights can be

Made over 4 mil yesterday on mats.

I’m pretty hyped for the game, although I’m not sure if I’ll have played Yakuza 0 through 6 before this game comes out. That said, there’s no way I’ll buy this day one. Not buying games on the day of release is the norm for me, as I’m quite happy to wait a year or two to play a game if it means I can buy it for 50% or

This was my mental struggle last night!!

I don’t typically care for turn based games (there are exceptions, of course, Persona 5 and Lost Odyssey come to mind) and I’m actually really looking forward to this. I’m a newcomer to the franchise, starting with Zero and basically binging my way through them, plus Judgement and Fist of the North Star, in the

For the moment, I suggest selling the mats and running the FATE when it comes. It’s good money, fast experience, and you’ll progress a lot working in the field.


I have never been prouder of my boys than the moment they corrected me. I was saying “Han shot first” not realizing this was incorrect. I didn’t think it through and may have gotten this from the PSA about Dads talking to their kids about Star Wars that was released when my oldest was a baby. They really need to leave

He started shooting because the place settings were wrong. Han is very serious about etiquette.