
I have an old Sony MW600 clip. In regards of the audio quality, it’s less a matter of bluetooth (since that is just to transmit data) and more of the quality of the DAC used in such a device. Cant say for the others though, but mine are quite good. Not great, but good enough for the convenience (I typically use them

I own 4 and didnt Pay more than 40 on any of those, besides that GC component cable alone costs more than that. Same goes for the GC broadband Adapter which was only supported by a handful of games, Smash Not being one of them.

I think they are a relict of comic book artist/writers/execs from the 80s and 90s who tried to push as much porn into their books as they can to sell to preteen boys. Now, with the age of internet porn and what I think a better general understanding on sexuality at a younger age, the need for shit like that is no

Why not get a classic GC compatible Wii and use one of the many many Wii Component cables available? I don’t understand the Melee community

She needs to be locked up in a deep hole. She lost her right to participate in society ever again.

If you take care of any residual water, there is nothing wrong with cleaning it with water. It won’t instantly corrode or anything.

Well if anyone can claim workout feats, I hereby declare to be the world champion at doing “The Donny”, which consists of putting on size 4 children gloves , grabbing a pussy and putting it in the litter box before it shits on your floor. I managed it to do 23 times successfully.

He is a goddamn genius!!

I read the article, yet all it said to me was: “Let’s have weird, customer punishing DRM for as long as we can. Then we claim that it was all part of a “challenge” “

Sorry, but saying that the game used pressure sensitive buttons is wrong. It used the regular arcade microswitch buttons that were used in all MVS systems, those were not pressure sensitive. Switching between light and strong relied on how long you pressed those, not with how much force.

Who said that the 18 y.o did not check in? Not sure How Delta handles that, but on other airlines you can check in online and get a digital boarding pass. I haven’t seen the video and therefore don’t know if that’s what the parents did though

Can some real homos please come and explain if that was actually homophobic and offensive or if it’s not?

In a perfect world, every adult male person that wears a basecap in any other way then regular, should be put in a pillory and pelted with rotten vegetables. Bring back medieval punishments for crimes against good taste.

Just another proof that the people who cry for freedom the loudest, don’t actually want real freedom, but only for others to have less freedom then them

If it wasn’t for your reporting, we would’ve had Prey in 2012

Well done. I myself like to revive old broken systems (I call it ‘Retromancy’ ) though I’ve never experienced a game that rusted. I guess I would’ve just given up

Well There was Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield Bad company 2: Vietnam, then Shellshock: ‘Nam 67 and Shellshock 2, Vietcong 1 and 2, parts of CoD:BO played during the conflict. There Gas. Been actually Quiet a Lot of Vietnam war games. Much less so for the Korean war though.

Yes I know of Utopia and infact a lot of strategy games did play in real time long before Herzog 2 even exited like for example Stonkers on the Zx Spectrum. But I think a genre is defined by the ideas of a game and the margin on how far you want to abstract from these ideas to include other games. And I think when

In a way, the N64 mini has not only been already exisiting, but existing way before any of the other Nintendo minis.

Decent N64 Emulation has been around for well over a decade. I remember playing games like Smush and Zaldor in High school in the early 00s.