
That comment is almost 5 years old by now. Are you that desperate?

Which is funny, because I can believe a lot of racists bigots would like to beat up people of different color and gender

Clickbait title. It is not a Snes mod, if it’s purely for emulators.

It’s not less. It’s simply silent.

At this point, I actually want Disney to make all future Star wars games themselves.

Not a single word mentioned on the VR? Appearantly it’s some of the Best implemented VR experience to date and a total shame that it only makes up a tiny fraction of the game. It should have been a much bigger focus

Is it even fucking legal to pull of shit like this? Silently changing a product without any notification for the buyer?

Your point being...?

Nope, not for me. The fact that you can not manage updates manually is already enough for me to want to switch back to linux as soon as I can. Windows is incredibly annoying and the only reason people are okay with it’s problems is simply because they are too hesitant in trying different possibilities.

Honestly the way D1 was originally marketed, I was under the impression that the game was a somewhat persistent, constantly upgraded MMO-like, so when a “part 2" was announced all I thought was “Part 2? Why couldn’t they just continue part 1?”. People who weren’t interested at the beginning WILL NOT start with a Part

How do you get tired of an operating system?

There are so few playable black women in games in general that to be consistently overlooked by a development studio who explicitly wants Overwatch to feel diverse and international feels upsetting

Don’t worry Jason. The Snes and Nes Mini both started to became really interesting only when the hackers got their hands on them. I have the firm believe it’ll be no different this time again.

Between episode 1 and 2 was a four month gap, and between episodes 2 and 3 another 3 months and the last 2 episodes with 2 months each. 

Can agree from personal experience. Bought TWD1 and Wolf when they were on sale. Loved them. So, Bought Borderlands Day 1 only to be allowed to finish the game 11 MONTHS LATER! Therefore never bought one of their games at release ever gain.

I don’t really believe that the games didn’t make “No money”, I believe that every dollar they earned was IMMEDIATELY pumped into the next project way to fast which resulted in a multitude of new, costly problems like for example the Tales from the Borderlands releases.

It’s not that their games didn’t sell well per se, it’s that it became pretty obvious that the company was mismanaging. They bought one license after the other and started announcing, developing and releasing way too many games in a short period of time, completely losing focus and time to ensure quality of their

They had atleast up to 4-5 different games in development at the same time. They spread their talent out way to thin, resulting in a loss of focus and quality.

Totally agree. After the fantastic TWDS1 and TWAU I felt that Telltale got into some sort of IP frenzy and tried to cram in as many licenses for new games as possible, losing focus and resulting in debacles like the Tales from the Borderlands release window and the undeniable lower quality of the games that came after.

My AC3 experience: Welcome to AC3. Here is an interesting character in a new city. Go run around, climb stuff, fight and explore to your hearts content within this first part.