
This is the shittiest article I read all day, and I just read one about Poop found in Coke cans.

Shouldn’t be a problem for a few seconds. The Chip and the magnetic strip are the first things to get destroyed and a few seconds more should be enough to soften up the plastic so you can scrape of the number. Just keep an eye on it, the plastic can catch fire.

Can’t you just nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds?

Now playing

The Hulkster did indeed try to sell his own grill later, but by then it was already too late

Easy. Money, security and cowardice. You really think any of these guys actually has the bravery to stand for something, anything? No. Spineless worms who’ll crawl with the flow if things get too hot.

Not to long ago I tried these Curry bricks for the first time. I used Golden Curry mild. The end result was ... okay. Not really what I hoped or expected. Next time I’ll try your method.

Welcome to Trumps America !

it would suggest that every NPC within the game to be bisexual as well. that’s simply not a very realistic setup if you want to make believable characters.

German VA is usually so crappy that you can’t get over it fast enough.

I’ve only played ETMD for a short time, so I can’t say if it is all correct. Party members usually follow your main character around in a straight line and start to use their skills (attacking, magic, etc) automatically as soon as the situation is right, like close to an enemy. Again, every action moves in steps,

And the DS was not intended to replace the Game Boy line. Your point?

Nope, Mystery Dungeon games are classic Rogue-likes, i.E everything moves in steps, Dungeons are randomly Generated, no big battle systems, instead simply attack when next to enemy, etc...

Double XP continues to deliver garbage. A joke that’s old as time itself.

I have a feeling this is nothing but a trolling and in a few days we will find a setup video on some small comedians youtube page.

If there is any Protein exercise magic food out there, it’s this one:

Where I disagree is when people take it one step further and suggest that just because a game is “old,” there should always be a low price ceiling on it. 

The problem is simple: No Studio wants to make a BAD game. How good or bad a game turns out is usually something you’ll realise only when its already too late. And by then it’s a decision if you release the game as is, invest more money into the game which it may not be able to return, or cancel it alltogether

Those who buy Zelda will very likely also buy Mario

I really don’t get the whole angst over race and heritage. To me, I don’t fucking care what my is nor what the ones of my surroundings is. I wish all this would stop, all races and cultures would mix into one big hodgepodge and I could buy Pizza, Hotdogs, Tacos,kebab and Goulash in the same places.

Man, I’ve been reading those in my had with a thick indian accent.