
I thought Quantum Break was a cool idea and I was happy to have experienced it. I highly doubt anyone will make a game like that again. Good on them for trying.

Opinions presented as fact! Modern day America!

So, the headline isn’t that a sociopathic POS tries to deflect blame by coming up with an outlandish story: threats against the parents, rape (time and again!) and of course coercion. Let me guess, nobody will be able to corroborate any of this, yet the headline suggests that SHE is the real victim in this. Geez, this

Not just a male partner, but black male. Get the right jury and the Pretty White Girl Forced Into Crime By Menacing Black Boyfriend defense just might work or at least get her a better deal.

I wrestle with the conflicting beliefs that A) women are often coerced through violence and intimidation to go against their own values in the interest of self-preservation so I will give this story the benefit of the doubt and B) These are exactly the lies I would tell if I got caught committing a terrible crime if

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but no one is actually doing the Running Man... right?

Yep! That’s how the internet works, everyone inside, snarking on everyone for being inside...

I’m not sure how they can take Metroid, turn it into a multiplayer shooter and expect people to be happy about it.

It’s less that Microsoft doesn’t know what their doing and more that Japanese gamers are incredibly habitual and “home team” loyalistic. If you think Western gamers are bad with their corporate loyalty...

While the graphics look jaw-droppingly amazing, I can't say the same about the gameplay, unfortunately.

Titanfall in one word: FUN.

Because they didn't think to do it themselves first, that's all.