
with sanctions they didnt..just like the koreans right? cause thats working so well there...

they are far more *civilized* then saudi arabia...far far more.

Saddam in the 80s, osama, many of the military dictators in latin america in the 70s-80s.

they are not the only ones experienced in that matter.

dont forget the contamination with depleted uranium and the white phosphorus bombing of falluya.

its the same old shit the american gov use... they are all dictators they all kill their own people..they all violate human rights ...they all kill gay people...bla bla bla. Im not saying they are lying its just that SO many countries that are allies to the US gov do and did the same all this years and today and they

well besides the yet unproven relation between microcephaly and the virus....i see no real problems with it . at all.

lol probably less then the ones dead by that very , very effective pesticide. so effective it killed us too.

and even the relation between the virus and the microsephaly its not 100% certain... the symptoms its a flu with a bit of a rush..not big deal but people its scared no idea why.

The problem its that we all know the so called *experts* the media usually interview...

dictatorships all over latinamerica thanks to them at the time actually. not just brazil.

fuck...i came here to post the same thing..damnit

he should have being worried when his own daughter fucked the godfather 3.

not only the punches...actually winning.

yeah you both should thank the russians for actually winning the war ...

just enough to know many american tank crews complained about the sherman tank not standing a chance against german ones,,, with round ricocheting etc, they only had the numbers and easy of mainteinance but i guess im wrong and they were a marvel of engineering.

well the sherman tanks sucked balls whats the surprise?

its simple they dont tell people cause they are to busy making games...