so you cant see the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps? yeah right...
so you cant see the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps? yeah right...
nothing just wanna know wtf is that shit haha
it will be locked to 30 fps...just like the shitbox one.
very true... i hated ac 3 and 4 on pc ...i could run the games at 50-60 by a miracle , ubi pc ports suck royal balls.
naa i played ac rev...ac3 and ac4 on pc..and ubi pc ports are absolut shit. very fucking unoptimized.
and i hope he burns with it
the funny thing is that cod uses the same old pretty much all the *new*maps could have been dlc.
so much talk about next gen..we are so close to launch day yet...SONY havent confirmed the PS4 cpu clock speed yet....why? or does anybody has info about it? cause the rumors go from 1.6 to 2.0 everywhere but no confirmation in sight...even to this day.
omg!!! o much talk about the red dead series makes me want the next game even more!!!! come one kotaku!! you dont have any rumors or whatever about the next one in the series?!!!
So true ... the server will explode.
OMG!!!!! So much talk about RED DEAD lately made me want the next game in the series EVEN MORE!!!! no news or rumors about it? !!! come on kotaku!!!! you must know something plz!!! give me a bone damnit!!
Tits or GTFO
true. but at the same time many of us are waiting for the usual hardware malfuction..overheating.. and/or patch thats bricks the ps4.etc.
FUCK! this product its not yet available in my region.. god damn ea!!! i live in south america and this cunts are trying to charge me 60 euros for the game....seems they believe latinamerica its part of europe...
tits or GTFO
bad company single player sucked balls hard so no.
because as many said it seems he is one of the few guys who review indie games in a fair way, and as we know A LOT of people are * oh its indie! give it a break! support indie yada yada yada * they dont seem to like it at all. As for me i have seen a few videos of this guy and seems ok to me .
Show him a teddy..that might help.
the community in hon its horrible. to say the least. but i do like the game. it feels ..faster