
so now ALL games should have a woman dresses like a nun now? its that the new industry standard?

sure put her with all that gear ,.,helmet ..weapons etc... im sure you will be even looking for a dick in there.

If as you said 50% of gamers are women....if as you said these women feel alienated by this games with boobs and misogyni ...and such a big % feel disgusted by it etc etc etc... why in the blue fuck..does gta v its selling so much?

It will depend on how they protrait it but i love the weapons of this guy. And im looking forward to see him in the main game.

try to explain that too all the white knights around here.

isnt first person shooter? what diference does it make they can only see the gun..

to bad the altair game was boring as hell.

then they will look just as male soldiers..just shorter.. so ..why bother? keep them all male and be done with it.

you have a point but at the same time..why have female characters in a game like that if there will be dressed in so much gear as the male characters that you wont fucking notice its a woman to begin with?

yes you are.

true and you have a point but i want on this one to play as a selfish and ruthless motherfucker. lets hope the character is leaps and bounds better then connor or i will kick my pc.

X!!!! PRESS X!!! it might be the only that save this game from bombing!!! x!!!!

yes you can skip the voice acting with the space bar but it gets old very fast. + in the instances there were parts you couldnt skip..+ making the same fucking choices in the instances everytime you wanted to run it etc etc it got old pretty fast for me .. i got to lvl 30 and then quit.


Their main mistake was to make all the fucking game with voice acting..its boring as hell.. they should have done that only with the main quests or the personal story but all the generic fucking quests have someone talking to you.. it made the game wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more expensive and boring.

Burned to oblivion.


not really.

Probably, reason why this game will fail in sales.

suuuuure great... now see how many respectable reviewers are shooting this game in the balls. Something tells me this game will bomb. and hard.