get a ps4 and a pc. and welcome aboard xD
get a ps4 and a pc. and welcome aboard xD
Activision will regret it...
i seriously doubt those *facts* are worlwide.
i have seen this *outcry* exclusively in kotaku. and all related to totilo. ALL.
and how many of those guys watching those movies are in there because the gf asked them to go with them?
yes 52% of the world population is female. but how many of the total gamers in the world is female?
well i havent seen many racial articles myself , but i do see the jezebel gang + the whiteknights coming around all the time.
well my thoughts about it come from what happend to the movie industry. once the male population began to prefer to play videogames then go to the movies, you saw this amazing shower of girly movies showing up... and while not every person is the same.. im sure as hell it will end up happening that again.
probably the reason would be cost/benefit. Seems most people play the game for the story/gameplay not caring about the gender of the protagonist , they see no reason to add a female option to a game where the protagonist its a male. cause they would have to add more voice and options depending on the game. And…
thanks ...swordswallower.
im pretty sure if 46% of gamers where women we would see a lot more games with girly themes..if not AAA...indies. but those stats seem to be a little off.
My question is .. it what way it doenst cater to them? cause we dont have a female protagonist? like in tomb raider for example? or its because it doesnt have topics of interest the usual girly movie or lets say the twilight series?
its fine. we have a lot of jezebel fans in here. starting by totilo offcourse. my best bet its he is dating someone from that site or something.
im sorry i should have been more clear. just fucking disgusted.
They seem to be relevant enough. tyvm.
stephen any rumors abour RDR coming to pc or a new RED DEAD game?
it seems im not that alone , thank you very much.
and its important we dont see girls in trailers? really? who gives a shit?
Really...i got used to the old layout and now this crap...
i was thinking the exact same thing actually.