
It’ll be interesting to see if “work from home” becomes so much of a norm that people start moving out of major urban centers and start to change demographics.

1). Win the White House and Senate

Cool! Then get out there and say that stuff. Be motivating! Lord knows this country needs more motivating voices out there. I’m not being sarcastic.

I care more about actions than words. I don’t want to make reality more palatable for people who just want to be comfortable. I want to fix this. That’s hard to do if we waste time and energy on phrasing so some people don’t feel so bad about the bad situation we’re in.

Many Red States have been purging voter roles.

So don’t lie, which I understand, but don’t also tell the truth. I have to disagree with you. I think the US is due to have, and deserves some ugly, harsh, inconvenient truths to be exposed. Going back to pre-Trump “normal” shouldn’t be the goal. If we’re going to move past where we are, then that should start with

I disagree. John’s right in his approach because too many people think that they can just vote this type of institutional corruption out and be done with it. It’s been there no matter what party was voted for... It’s not going to end with the election of Joe Biden and it damn sure ain’t ending under another Trump

Both BOTW and Hyrule Warriors are two in my top five favorite games ever, so I understand the excitement. I was looking forward to Cyberpunk as well, but a shadow drop of this and a mere two month wait stopped my heart for a sec. 

Now playing

In-universe the KO of hundreds/thousands of enemies kind of make sense though? Remember in Link’s memories there are scenes when he’s done killing a ton of monsters (including Lynels!) and this is when he’s starting to guard Zelda. My take is Hyrule Warriors is when Link and the others are at their strongest so a

I’m not gonna start trying for a PS5 this year unless Trump steals the election, in which case there’s nothing to live for so might as well spend $500 on something that can bring me fleeting joy.

BotW 2 is still coming; this tells the story of what happened 100 years before BotW, as was shown in the memories. 

God, this game comes out within a day or two of Cyberpunk, a game I’ve been waiting forever for, and I straight-up might play the Zelda game first.

Yeah, I asked my doctor at 39 if I could just get rid of all the parts, since I’ve had problems with that whole area for the majority of my life, and she said she didn’t want to send me into early menopause. 

I’ve been trying FOR YEARS to evict my non-functioning uterus. Hubs and I went through years of infertility treatment, we *KNOW* empirically, 100% the uterus is not, and will not, do it’s ONE JOB. I have such awful periods that I have to take iron supplements twice a day, every day to prevent becoming anemic. I still

I did that too, when I was about 18-19 and they refused because they were certain I’d change my mind. But here I am, at 42 - I still have the same desire to disable my uterus from making babies. I knew at 6 I didn’t want my own children. No one questions the little girls playing with dolls who say from a very young

They’re not pro life, they are pro women control. And hysterectomies are the ultimate in controlling women. 

Hell, I could go to my gyn and ask to get my tubes tied because I have no use for this child making portion of my anatomy, and I’d probably get a long run around about future me, and future decisions, and future men who are somehow going to magically convince me I want to have children. I’d have to work to find

Really the only thing keeping me going right now is the fervent hope that if we’re able to vote Trump out despite all of the voter suppression fuckery and dodge violent responses from the White Supremacist militias, we hold every Republican in the House and Senate accountable through the court of law (once we manage

The “funny” thing is, I could go to my OB/GYN and demand a hysterectomy because I have no plans to use my uterus and never have, and they would refuse to do so (I’ve tried) because there is no medical reason and they swear an oath to “first do no harm”. So, an unnecessary hysterectomy with consent is obscene, but a