
Good one, davidr521. Ears to you.

So there's a kernel of truth in this idea after all?

Great! Now stay there.

Great, so I'll be able to walk by total strangers on the phone and yell "Horse Porn" in the background. Love it.


Gray Powell?



;) Sorry, I guess the pun was worse than I thought.

Sorry? I don't follow you.

(Yawn...) What a bore.

"These machines work 24 hours a day and require a ROTATING crew of 20."

Gaw! Blugggch.

Maybe, "new" as in "an iPad" sold at retail, not a "used pad". (sic)

No number pads, no "3" in "new iPad", Cat-of-the month OS... Coincidence? Numbers are on their way out.

Really, Giz? You couldn't put the image/url into tineye or google images? It took a total of 3 seconds to find the name.


"How you doin', babycakes?"

Which one is Jesus?

Screw the Park, it's Jurassic Forest now.