I've always thought Hamm would be perfect as Kent... If only he was a few inches taller.
I've always thought Hamm would be perfect as Kent... If only he was a few inches taller.
Aaaand he slouches.
Use any old oven cleaner on your procelain tub. Works well.
Either that's a pic of a real Apple store, or iHipster McGee caught this news when it broke a couple days ago and flew over to China for a hit of that foreign iCrack. Seriously, the lengths to which those people will go... ;)
@Slartibartfast "Screw you, milkman scum!"
"StayAtHome Man".
Vulcan or Bat? You decide.
Coincidentally, I own the patent on apostrophes, and any derivative works such as but not limited to: commas, semi-colons, quotation marks and more.
Stay splashy, San Diego.
They lost their shit because it was fucking FUNNY. I despise "FoxOpinion", but that cracked me up.
Only if it's a cider.
But luckiest of all is the fact that his parents didn't strangle him, stuff him into a canvass sack, and toss him into the river when he was a wee one.
"I'm inclined..."
Next up: Jellybabies ???
Wait until their donut patent is approved. The iRing won't be far behind.
@tenshinigami: Don't worry about the extra cost, because you can only use one of those tablet controllers per system. Brilliant, eh?
Pre-order? PRE-order! Get it?
In a related story, xTreme Drag Racing now confirmed for Kinect.