
Sure the old EU was weird but the thing about it is that fans reminiscing about it now tend to forget the whole issue that 99 times out of 100 the weirdness was... well it was utter shit.

It honestly seems like an impossible thing to fix, because the core issue is people themselves being horrible (not in an edgelord teenager “everybody in the world is terrible” sense but in an “enough people are bad that they’ll always ruin shit” sense). The suggested design changes might help here or there, but so

In the end, I doubt the dance will change the characters much and it certainly isn’t deep or meaningful. What it is instead is something completely unexpected and daring (it goes on a looong time with no jokes) and that’s to be applauded. In its own way, it’s anarchic and that fits the show.

Few points:

Most people don’t expect to see anything lewd when they go to a porno theater.

If you go into a porn theater that's among the tamer things you might see and everyone admitted is old enough to know what an erect penis looks like. So yes, Puritans. 

“Look, I scrambled because the God’s honest truth is that I don’t really care that staying in bed with Chappelle is a losing deal, and that my company did better investing in talents like Burnham and Gadsby, I keep giving this guy tens of millions of dollars to descend into middle-aged hackitude via his transphobic

Hes talking about Halo and Killzone and Resistance and that's IT

“I feel like Dave freed the slaves. The comedians, we were slaves to PC [politically correct] culture...

“Jiminy,” thinks Johnny, “if only I could get a ride in one of those!”

So, who’s gonna tell Sam these movies have been taking place within the same week ever since 2012's Nick’s Big Week, the prelude to the Avengers Movie?

What are some of y’all smoking? This is like the third reviewer who said it was boring. Like, how? I enjoyed it, and who do I have to call to have Lake Bell replace Laura Bailey as the animated Black Widow. She was really good. Also, what is it exactly y’all want from what if stories like am I missing something? These

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“One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.”

“Well nobody’s perfect.” - Some Like It Hot. This screwball comedy ends on an unpredictable high note.

Could have kept this one in the drafts.

“The idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.”

Ah yes. The classic Cascading Failure. A thing that goes catastrophically wrong, causally linked to an endless chain of other Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong that all set off Even More Things That Go Catastrophically Wrong. Like a circular row of dominos, except each domino is an open oil drum filled with

At least if they were doing an elevator pitch for Mass Effect 1 they’d have plenty of time. 

I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades

Burgess probably hasn’t commented on it because he knows it’s a fucking dumb “controversy”.