
Why are you surprised? Isn’t finding bugs exactly what betta testing is for?

I was scrolling through the main io9 page when I saw the splash image, and thought “damn, that’s a menacing Jawa!”

Well I guess we know where Xur goes when he’s not visiting the world of Destiny.

The PS5 seems designed for airflow in the way that the Xbox’s are not.

The pay outfits are unique and also way overpriced.

There’s no need to be mean.

I think the most memorable scene from that trailer was the “Obscene Gesture: Imminent.”

Could you be fucking dumber? I mean, you didn’t bother doing a 5 second internet search before starting in on your bullshit.

Well it is called Jedi Fallen Order...I’ll see myself out.

Oh, right, that bit was set in the ‘80's, what with Michael Douglas looking how he did in “Wall Street”.

See... this is where you’re wrong.

Agreed. Can the Joker just like rob a bank or something? Take it down a notch or 50?

That’s the frustration I really have with a lot of the people who defend Man of Steel. I love about 2/3 of that movie but it doesn’t present Clark’s struggle with his morality in a way the audience can connect with and when it makes attempts at doing so it’s really clunky (such as the scene in the church). We also

Lol, yeah the vehemence of his fanbase is really surprising. Like I am a fan of several different directors, but if someone points out some bit of clunkiness in their filmmaking, I am not going to get into a shouting match with people about it. Generally, they probably have a decent point. It is entirely possible for

Every time I ever bring this point up a Snyderbro inevitably says “oH, yOu WaNT It aLl SpOOnfeD TO YoU!?!”

Precisely. I strongly disagree with anyone who says that these decisions are intrinsically bad choices- as if there was no way they make any sense for the character to deal with. It’s the execution that I think has serious issues. I actually liked Man of Steel a lot (not the best superhero movie, but a solid entry),

It’s just plan bad writing.

Zod’s death works when we have a Superman actively saving people and preventing collateral damage during the fight (hold a building up fly some people out of the debris) the kill is less controversial and heroic.

Except that Superman doesn’t make a concerted effort to prevent collateral damage at any time during

ugh my brother declared “Biden and Trump are both the same, neither are getting my vote!” last night. It was on Zoom so i was able to just stare at him as he was saying it.