
Ah thank you... I was trying to figure out if you were at least genuine in your criticism. Thinking Terry’s post proves anything you’ve claimed tells me that you’re just a troll... or an asshole. Asstroll?

Hulk is green... I’m pretty sure that counts as POC to people like “Jason”.

You laugh, but that is EXACTLY what happened to me and now I’m seeing this tonight :)

Bronze medal in the Olympics? That’s not really as impressive as it sounds...

You didn’t say it, but you did kind of imply it. And I think you kind of knew that, which is why you chose to say it the way you did, so that you could then play the victim when someone (rightly) called you out on it.

I feel gross just reading about this... I hope that mods will be available that will allow me to just repeatedly kick these guys in the groin?


I mean... a well-placed, “You lie!” should do the trick nicely I would think...

Given that Graham has been one of the few GOP to publicly speak out against the wall, I’d guess that “border security” does not include building a wall that won’t actually do anything.

What happened exactly on that first Holdfast clip?

Yeah, just saw this last night! It was a nice bonus that I wasn’t expecting...

A multiplier? Do you mean in terms of score since assists count the same as kills? Or are you saying there’s some sort of actual damage multiplier (beyond having multiple guns shooting the same person)? If it’s the latter, I’d love to see some documentation of that as it’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing...

I actually prefer that a team game actually requires team mates now. Although I wouldn’t mind if they added a straight up Deathmatch mode, I want team games to go to those who play as a team...

Like most things in that movie... there was no purpose. It was just a series of events stolen from much more popular stories.

That’s what I didn’t get... I would think that getting branded by Batman would be a point of pride for the criminals.

You didn’t list any in your initial response, so I honestly don’t know. But given the conclusion you reached, it’s pretty obviously the case that you haven’t done all the reading.

PLUS then you acted like a petulant child and tried pretending like slavery didn’t massively fuck a particular section of this country for a

I do, if only because for some people, it’s the first game like this that they’ll get into because of Marvel heroes. I’ve learned my lesson, but not before buying into one of these myself.

As referenced in the Kotaku article about shutting down Avengers Alliance:
“So you’re shutting it down to focus on other games, why would any of us play any new games you release knowing what you did with this one?” 

Oh what a giveaway about your true feelings here... AND that you don’t truly give a rat’s ass about “facts” unless you can twist them to your own personal belief system.

It might be easier to just type that you’re ignorant and don’t feel like reading up on why people are protesting than writing all that self-pitying victimization out next time...