I think the big head is only for Flawless... the social space is for the wins. I think. I’d love to be able to find out for sure, but I never saw the lighthouse in Destiny 1, I doubt I’ll see this...
I think the big head is only for Flawless... the social space is for the wins. I think. I’d love to be able to find out for sure, but I never saw the lighthouse in Destiny 1, I doubt I’ll see this...
It looks like they got a special aura (for a week) and an emblem that tracks your flawless runs through Trials...
I mean, it’s a perfect example of seeing “No” as a continuation of the conversation rather than the end...
Plus, who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies for breakfast?! :)
And you actually do earn Bright Engrams (the things you would buy with real money) by leveling once you hit the level cap. Those earn you the same currency you can use to buy things like the XP buff (which is the cheapest thing there)
“I have told you I don’t want to discuss anything with you like four times.
You can fuck off forever too please
Yeah, it’s total anarchy... next thing you know people will be coasting through stop signs to get a loved one to the hospital! How can we survive as a society when we’re always putting people above things?!
I’m guessing that’s Sorceress in the lower left hand corner... no idea on the last one though...
Would and could are different things, but you did ask about could...
Yeah, upon re-read I agree. I still say that was the cringiest of the cringy lines... but yeah, it’s all bad.
Wow, I clearly read over that part in the last paragraph... oof.
Jeez... this line, “I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day.” made me cringe so hard that I’m pretty sure I’ll permanently be several inches shorter. It sounds amazingly similar to the way most of the “nice guy” complaints start, so I was…
So, to answer “F Trump”s assumption, it’s the ACA you don’t understand...
Wait... are you serious? Or am I missing some sarcasm here?
Damn... well, this is certainly going to put a dent in my desire to pre-order the deluxe versions of Bioware games. They had always been a safe bet for me up until now...
Mister Mosquito for the PS2...
Texas? As in the state that’s been taking more federal money than it puts in for a decade and a half or so? As opposed to California which still ends up paying more to the federal than it takes in? Maybe if we said, “tough titties” to all you taker states, we’d be a lot better off...
As far as I know... it’s mostly the difference between having a gun and pointing at people and advancing.
You may want to see a therapist or something. You’re ignoring facts listed in the story to paint these officers as kill crazy maniacs. I mean, you’re literally lying about what they’ve done. As others have said, if the body cameras tell a different story (and the footage should definitely be made available), then the…
Fuck stupid, ignorant and uneducated opinions actually.