
Dude, take your head out of your ass. That quote (not a “meme”) doesn’t imply that... at all. You wanted an excuse to throw your delicate male sensibilities into the mix. That’s all. Also, I’m male, so don’t bother getting up on your nonsense “you must hate men” bullshit. You want solutions? Help find them. Don’t sit

The Chargers can eat my poo. I live in San Diego and I would vote against that new stadium so fast (unless there’s some actual benefit for the city). These blackmail stadium deals are just awful. So yeah, eat my poo Chargers.

I can’t help but feel that Dark Knight Returns didn’t need it’s first sequel and certainly doesn’t need another one.

There’s a difference between too drunk to get additional drinks and too drunk to drive. THAT’S how it qualifies as a fuckwit comment you fuckwit.

“when the server is absolutely responsible for how much they ended up having to drink”

I liked Pneuma! I thought it was a fun puzzle game with an interesting take on who exactly the first person is in an first person game...

I posted this on the original article, but I’m reposting it here because it refutes another of the original points:

That’s it exactly... one of my conservative friends on Facebook posted something about how people charged with federal crimes shouldn’t be able to run for President. I had to remind them that she hasn’t been charged, much less actually convicted of anything at all...

I couldn’t disagree with this more:

I assume multiple changes can be made after loading the map. So each change would not need 9 hours...

I feel like the Court of Oryx stuff is basically the multiple fireteam idea... shame it didn’t make it into actual missions...

Same here... so I guess that’s a good sign for a nerf? :)

Right? I actually use that “point” emote... whereas my dancing emote is for... well, dancing. I’d much rather replace that one with a dance than have two separate dancing ones... it’s a weird choice. I’m hoping they’ll make all of them assignable down the road.

Less weapon parts drop now. That’s it. The parts themselves aren’t nerfed... there’s just going to be less of them.

It’s socialism! And I’m all for it. I’m happy to spend some money on cosmetic things if it means that everyone gets to play

To be fair, the rebels lost in the movie too...

As a fellow player, let me assure you that you will eventually have that time. You’ll just be traveling a well worn path by that point rather than blazing the trail. :)

Don’t be ridiculous! Nothing can prevent that! :)