Sooo with the fancier digs are they going to raise the pay for employees?
Sooo with the fancier digs are they going to raise the pay for employees?
not everything in Star Wars needs to be studied and analysed to death.
The new generation doesn’t recognize the NES? Am I that old? No, it’s the new generation that is wrong.
Because you hoard all the women killer..
I’m going to punch everyone who thinks this isn’t funny.
With that closed loop liquid cooling system, he looks ready to overclock!
Hey Tiger! You could use it to make mock-poetry. Only instead of sending anything, compile mock-stanzas. Call it Chronicle Of The Swiftkey Follies. Then publish as an eBook. Really, I don’t think I’m really kidding either.
I gave up Swype for the Swiftkey app a long time ago in part, for the reason you stated. The gibberish, nonsense stuff that Swype was auto-correcting to. Swiftkey was better early on. As they’ve made ‘improvements’ with their intuitive word completion, it’s gotten as bad as Swype now.
I laugh at your assumption that I am a man. Crotchety or not, there is no reason y i hv 2 typ thngs ths wa. Or accept them for that matter.
I have no idea, Moon, except that maybe, it’s the SwiftKey designer’s sense of inadequate humor. I can’t tell you how many things that program has corrected to really weird words. And of course, I always end up sending it before I catch the correction. *sigh*
I do too! It makes me think they’re at least being courteous enough to treat me like I have a brain.
One, after ‘so’, and I’m not a ‘he’. So, go grade someone else. What a winner indeed...
I always feel as if the persons texting me care MORE when they use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and properly formatted links.
But you don’t employ Oxford commas? :(
Lets Eat Grandma!
Sorry, I’m too old and good grammar is too ingrained for me to use all the text speak that’s common now. I use correct words, I punctuate my sentences and I bitch constantly when spell check changes ‘wall’ to ‘bread.’ So if people think texts from me that they can read are cold and insincere, so be it.
isn’t a text message inherently cold and insincere?
I......absolutely hate his head, not gonna lie.