
Their library isn't that small, the graphical comparisons between multi-plat games are actually quite high for the games I've played myself (Assassin's Creed, NFS Rivals and FIFA 14, even Ghosts looks much better). Also 'Uncharted right out of the gate' as a statement may show your lack of solid knowledge on this

I'm loving this direction that we're seeing series take of late. I liked American Horror Story with it, although i do love that they reuse the same cast for that, for the most part.

What's with all the people complaining about the graphics not being a massive leap from the last gen? The start of a new console generation is often the weakest in terms of its look. Kojima doesn't drop the ball with MGS, making the series of games usually the best looking (or some of the best looking) in it's

This looks like a PlayStation one game I had, but i was due that called Tunnel B1 or something like that. Are these the same game?

Maybe we could start a petition to block all members of the FUN POLICE from the internet.

It's a Vietnamese variant on ravioli.

True, I am a bit of a dick.

I dunno how sex ed is now but when I was younger was an awkward stumble through the proper application condoms, what stds are and when is appropriate. This pretty much boils down to not enough insight, which isn't surprising. The UK had a big thing were if they gave sex ed to 17 year olds then there was a drop the

I read this in Will Arnett's voice...


Boom! PsychoNun, how's your ass? Is that your first time being bare backed? Savlon and some rest should clear it up.

Oh, you went there, man!

Kotaku already asked a load of Japanese gamers what they would hop for a few months back. most said PS4, a few said WiiU, a few more said PC, then one guy just said 'what's an Xbox One

No it won't, that's a redundant argument. It will make your experience better since you won't have to pay. I'm happy for it to be like that because PS+ is with the money, now with added online play, it just means your getting more for £40, even though online to free still...

Omg Bak is a solid martial arts film. I've never seen protector but heard good things. they're big, but only for foreign films.

The video won't load on my phone by sports do you men the shopping channel?

It's cool bro, I'm pretty sure they're Xbox staff. Your weird fall on deaf ears.

I work in a toy store, I don't work with YouTube in any capcity. However, this doesn't take from the fact that I have no control over or input in, I can be fired tomorrow, for whatever reason my manager needs to fire me. Employment is inherently a horribly woven basket...

Skylanders Giants was huge in 2012, our store made £24,000 in the first 48 hours alone. It took over two months for our store to make anything like that on the WiiU. None the less, awesome infographic...