
Our she done all of those things, technically she would be a video game.

It seems to me the issue is that he didn't just take a photo and zoom in later on. This gripe is petty, the rest are incredibly justified.

I actually spat juice out in laughter at the sight of a guy throwing a bowling ball, I'm not even sure why it's so damn funny. Also the motorbike rider.

actually, I was checking this out earlier. I dunno what it is now but before the DRM announcement the Xbones was already first in Amazon to sellers, PS4 was third. I dunno what was second.

Actually, they wouldn't be fucked. 18 months after launch they reactivate DRM. You've already invested money in great titles and an expensive console what are you gonna do, seek them all at years prices for less than half of what you paid, all out of anger? A few well, not all though. This has actually raised

This is true. If they found a way to convince you to buy a bacon sandwich for $499.99, they would leave the gaming market forever.

So here you're asking for what Sony have already said is coming? Why not ask them if they can release new games for the PS4 when that is released? Or asking them to Give us at least one controller when we buy the console? You are literally asking for what we already are promised. Not to mention the fact that you are

I'd like to see this list of better games, if you don't mind?

Remember that one time when you said a thing and it was wrong and everyone laughed...such a classic.

Well Amazon is doing day one PS4 console bundles, one which includes Watch-Dogs, a november title. So while I wish it was October, it's looking like not October.

Well, this is all based on specific cultural location. Britain adopted the mobile phone craze far before America/Canada surprisingly. So to the point when I was last in canda in like 2007 my phone did calls, texts (as standard), as well as pictures, video, music, radio, etc... Yet my cousin who is like 10 years older

I'm also biting, I think this is to suggest when the virus hit that the date hadn't occurred in reality yet and therefore may come to pass.

"Ahhh. My slam dunk."

I think we may be thinking of different definitions of bait and switch. Isn't it when someone offers a good or service but when you try to purchase that they claim it's out of stock or no longer available and instead trying to convince you to go for a more expensive choice.

I have a molten hotdog, someone came into my work looking for Hotdog and when I said I bought the limited edition one a few months back he offered me £60 for it. When I said try £100 and I'll be tempted to sleep on it his face went chalk white and stormed out of the shop. I'm glad of this, because I was only toying

Squeenix have been flogging a dead horse for along time now in all fairness, the game is called final fantasy for a reason. They're probably kind of hoping it withers and dies. Besides, a HD remake won't breath new life into the series. Outside of it's current fan base, few people will probably actually bother getting

I can't wait to get lost in the depth and detail of the graphics in real time while I'm being 360 no-scoped. It'll be a pleasant change from blaming my lag to blaming my all those beautiful textures for my non-exisent k/d.

My apologies friend, I completely missed that last line. No harm, no foul.

That wouldn't really work, Microsoft go first in the conference, so Sony could've showed it last year and Microsoft would've have been up shit creek.

I'm all for achievements, or trophies in my case. I do enjoy collecting them for the most part. I only got my first platinum last year and now I have 3, and one trophy from my 4th. There's something cool about being able to complete a difficult task in a game just for the sake of proof. It's your little badge of