“supported by a large and powerful community that shares his beliefs” please do your research
“supported by a large and powerful community that shares his beliefs” please do your research
...you couldn’t find one of the myriad myriad statements *within Judaism* that condemn this? the “appropriate” scripture was one from another religion?
I mean yeah cool good for you but I'm very concerned about the whole dick+whiskey thing; didn't that sting?>???
What BobbyRush's statement came across as to me was arrest them, not jail them? Like, investigate these allegations, not, these allegations are automatically true.
why don't you people own kettles
Erm. Is dairy owner a technical term or does it mean literally owning cows?
holiday that requires fasting (yom kippur)
that was on yom kippur (a fast day) so apart from the vaguely stereotypical/ashkenazi-centric association of bagels with lox and Jews, I don't see the problem?
Liberte Egalite Beyonce t-shirt, £15 (appears to be UK only). Ethically made. Everything on there is good.
Try "For Science"
My parents have been married 17 years and they always say thank you to whoever made dinner and whoever washed up (no other chores, oddly), and it's adorable, and I've kind of absorbed that. I like it.
I am totally stealing "stabbing rage of a hundred stabby angry porcupines on meth"