
Add this to the new high sensitivity Canon sensor and we have a winner!

They forgot to make a believable story. In the future you need to send soldiers to fight when you can travel to other star systems? What about the time it would take from the blast from the bug´s ass to travel across 100 KLY?

sorry, you are wrong

Meh, cameras are not syncronized.

Probably ´Merica!

you really have no idea what you are saying...

that´s a keeper!


Yes, the whole point of the blog is another! Hey Gizmodo, wake up!

I find this movie so ridiculous. the incongruencies are so ridiculous it is hard to start criticizing how physically inaccurate it is.

Me too!!!

past life? very scientific.

This one is better.

How could you forget the EKIP?

just like bitcasa


I feel your pain friend... I FUCKING HATE VVS!!!