Ari Kagura

Another thing to consider is that Capcom may release the characters in couples instead of individually. If I'm not mistaken, one of the modes require you to use the official teams instead of a custom one— wouldn't want to leave a particular character out because they're lacking a partner.

I can probably see why some folks are complaining, but this is how I see it: unless the content is finished, fully functional, and possibly balanced against what's there on the roster, it's no more than just miscellaneous data that's just there to take up space ... and maybe just troll the curious people who like to

It's pretty amazing! If I had the PS3 version of Borderlands instead of the PC version, I'd have an extra Platinum in my trophy case. As far as that list goes, I don't have any plats from those games listed ... maybe I should fix that. I did pick up inFamous for free when Sony was giving away free games after they

The way I see it is this: He's preparing for the inevitable— he will know how it will 'feel' before hand if he drops the soap while behind bars.

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I don't recall if Toyota had official Hatsune Miku wraps that customers could purchase for their Corollas but I did scratch my head wondering why Toyota USA would use a Japanese Virtual Diva to promote to American buyers...

This is the way I see it: if you're on the camera and being broadcast to the public, then at least try to be professional. Off-camera, well ... just watch your mouth I guess ...

Loud music, usually the loud and grungy kind... but for the courtesy of those around me on busy intersections, I keep my window closed.

Well ... that's what I've been known by for the longest time now. :3

I suppose this is taking Man v. Food to a different level. On a side note, I love that show! But I also liked this short clip. I thought it was pretty simple.

The Kanji symbol 蟻 (ari) does stand for ant. Though, I have a tendency to write my name in Katakana when it comes to my artwork: アリ. This is mostly because I've been raised in America.

It's a strange thing, but I've always had a fascination for gender-neutral names. It's amazing how one can easily be mistaken by the other gender when mentioned in writing.

I name her after me: Ari Sherpard

For some reason, my head was still in Britain when I posted that ...

I almost read this guy's name as "Ray LaHoon" ...

Triumph TR6.

Well ... for some people, they don't want to die a virgin. If they've been putting off making out for a while, then the end of the world is a great time to make out!

In addition to what Rock said, if I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure there are alien religions to consider as well, such as the doctrines of the Drell and Asari races. I don't recall any churches based on them but I'm sure they could have dedicated sanctuaries for their teachings.

I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask ... mostly because I'm kind of biased. Though, some would argue how most of the characters, aside from Sazh, seem very underdeveloped. However, I think they seem to show their quirks quite early, and they have some kind of back-story that I could see in them.

You get a little bit more freedom for exploration once you get to Gran Pulse. From there, you can start working on the Cie'th Stone missions.

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Street Fighter X Tekken will have a 4-way Scramble Mode when that comes out. Here's a video of it: [] ... the action starts roughly around the 0:50 mark after the intro commentary.