I'm going with Gandalf. When someone tries to cut line at the Walmart, I'll pull him out so he can yell "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
I'm going with Gandalf. When someone tries to cut line at the Walmart, I'll pull him out so he can yell "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
OMG.... Timothy Olyphant... omg....
I'd choose Chekov, but if he was that close to my warp core I think there'd be an antimatter containment breach.
Sherlock Holmes. Partially because he's so smart, but mainly because it would super-irritate him to be pocket-sized.
Raylan Givens. He's good protection, witty, and nice to look at....
He's not fictional but I'd go with Tim Gunn. Besides all the fashion he could bring to my life he would keep me on task and help me get my work done. And he wouldn't let me get distracted by pretty people.
I instantly thought Luna from Harry Potter. She was so calm and stoic! And as someone who tends to have mini anxiety attacks, I would like her calmness.
but if he's small then it'll probably only take a couple of tablespoons of alcohol to get him drunk
So, I ended up being honest and asked the guy I was crushing on exactly how he felt about me, and told him I expected rejection, but I needed an answer. I did it mostly because my own not knowing for sure was hurting, but now I think I'm not much better off then I was before.
They make me think of these guys and suddenly all the sexy feels are pouring out of me
Thank you for giving me the mental image of a pair of vibrators high-fiving after a... ah, job well done...
Oh gods...laughing...I can hardly breathe right now!
I'd just like to have Loki in all movies, perhaps just hanging out in one corner of the screen, so that he can jazz things up a little when they're getting slow —Or... or..
I once had a dream where I worked an entire shift. When I woke up, I was so disappointed that I had to actually go to work, because I felt like I had just done that!
True fact: my friends and I call all work dreams Dennysmares because one of our friends used to work at Denny's and spent a whole night dreaming he was waiting tables, got tired, laid down in a booth to sleep, then jolted himself awake for real because he was supposed to be at work.
I haven't been a waitress for about 8 or 9 years, but my worst dream was and still is the one all servers have where no matter what you do, you can't keep up with your tables. Those are the WORST. I would wake up sweating.
I think the hair loss or tooth decay dreams are probably a basic fear of mortality, disease and aging.
YES, to everything you said. I also struggle with the fact that I second-guess myself when people act like douchebags or treat me badly. It also takes time for me to process when someone has said/done something that is truly hurtful, so I end up venting to my husband instead of addressing the situation with the person…
I won't say too much on this specific situation, but I do have one general comment. If somebody fails to take you seriously on something you feel strongly about, they have failed. It strikes a major nerve with me when people invalidate others and their feelings. Because it shouldn't matter whether they agree or not.…
I'm pretty non-confrontational, too. It might help for you to write out everyone you want to say to him. Then wait a day and revisit what you wrote and revise it, if necessary. You can email him your concerns if you are worried about talking directly to him. Or if you want to call you now have a script to go off of.