
Sadly, yes. I think it's supposed to hit later this week. :(

Ha, well that is how I feel when I venture outside.

Thanks. It's been going on since I started. First it was part-time three days a week, then bumped up to four, then back down to three again. Then it was "let us know when you're interested in full time!" I did. And then suddenly they weren't hiring anyone, even though people have left the department. If I hear "just

I'm with you. I've been taking the bus whenever I can, but that also has its drawbacks. The darkness is also getting to me. By the time I'm home, it's either already dark, getting there, or the sun wasn't really out to begin with. Makes it hard to motivate oneself to do anything but change directly into pajamas.

So after once again encouraging me to apply for a full position doing work that I've been trained to do, I find out they've already hired someone else because I "waited too long" (I submitted the application 2-3 days after it was posted- I know it was up longer than that). Last week they were waiting to hear from HR,

Presenting Hiddleston as F Scott Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris, which I enjoyed even though I'm not a fan of Owen Wilson. Hiddles and the rest of the actors playing the Lost Generation writers/artists were perfection.

I'm really curious to find out what emotional setbacks he's been through. The original article completely glosses over that to rush to a rather upbeat tone when it's actually very sad.

One more tip: Is there a community bulletin board either in a student lounge or where the main building for your program is? Sometimes students who have textbooks for previous courses to sell will post a message with their info. Something to keep an eye out for.

I usually used Amazon and got pretty good deals on textbooks. Depending on what course you're taking, you might even be able to save money by getting an older edition (obviously not an option for an STEM course). I majored in English so it was easier to find other editions of works we were studying. Only drawback was

Um. If that Sherlock plush had a Scotty version, I'd be all over it.

I'm sorry you had to deal with a break-up on top of a depressive episode. I don't think it's generally wise to maintain a friendship with someone who just broke your heart. Now, if time passes and the hurt heals, and you find you genuinely want his platonic presence in your life again, that's one thing. But you're not

Ugh, hope you feel better! I've got the unfortunate pain in my throat that might signal an oncoming cold. Hoping it clears up!

Makes me think of when, a few years ago, I was in a deep depression and my appetite basically vanished. I lost weight and got all these compliments on how great I looked and it was odd. Like, my eyes are dead and I haven't smiled in ages. But I'm more attractive when I hate life and weigh less than when I'm happy and

Thank you. That's exactly how I've been feeling. Like I technically have a lot of options but none are really feasible except the one I want the least. :(

Thanks. My passions are mainly writing and acting (also film-making) , and I really miss the opportunities to audition for plays and things that I had in college (the theater scene is kind of small where I live). And with working weekends, I wouldn't even be available to work on a production if I were to get involved.

I'm in kind of a funk, to be honest. I'm trying to balance two jobs while feeling hopelessly out of my depth for the one that's in my field, and bored to death by the one that isn't, but I have a better chance at getting something full time. I've been working weekends for the past three years and I miss having a

Heh, my beagle never got the hang of howling. Mostly she just sort of groans like someone told a lame joke.

Whoa whoa...Woody Guthrie? As in, This Land is Your Land Woody Guthrie, wrote a sex scene?

I enjoyed STID the first time I saw it, but it's major flaws didn't go unnoticed. But those flaws just grate on me more and more upon subsequent viewings. Mostly because it seemed like there was a legitimately good film lurking in there somewhere before it got buried under complete ridiculousness. Pretty much the ONLY

I was flipping through the channels on Thanksgiving and Blast from the Past was on, and I just realized he played Alicia's Silverstone's ex!