
Improv classes helped me a lot, along with getting counseling for anxiety. If those options aren't available, it can also help to think about people you know who are really good at interacting with others, who put you at ease, make you feel good, etc. Observe how they interact with people, what their traits are. Then,

I feel you. I feel like I'm "between friends" because I changed jobs so I'm not as close to my old work friends anymore and I lost a bunch when I went back to school before that. I'm meeting people and doing stuff but it still feels lonely sometimes.

Was supposed to see Star Trek last night, but a stupid migraine ruined my plans. I really want to see the movie, but with just about everyone I know having seen it already, I'm facing the prospect of going to the theater by myself. Ordinarily, I have no problem with doing things solo, but for some reason going to a

Last year I bought a Coobie, and it's become my favorite bra. Good support, no poking or digging, and my back is totally smooth. Definitely getting more when my budget allows for it.

No Chock Full of Notes? (WNYX)

King of Wishful Thinking by Go West. Because I WILL get over you!

Ooh, I like the gas station gift card idea! More and more I'm leaning towards going. It's just a matter of trying to balance the smart spending with being able to enjoy things.

I've had vacation on the brain this weekend, so yesterday I looked up prices for taking a trip to a nearby town I love to visit. Well, I would be able to afford heading up there for a few days, but then I also have feelings of guilt whenever it comes to spending money on things that aren't essential (this happens

Ugh, I know. Even if you don't have an answer right then, is it really so hard to acknowledge an email? It only takes a few seconds to reply "I'll get back to you" or "Okay, I'll get on it." It's worse when you're waiting specifically to hear back about something important.

So my brain seems to have run off on vacation, leaving me here to work and pay bills and things.

Go a-whey!

Tom Hiddleston and David Tennant. Sexy AND charming.

That is Girls' Generation (or SNSD) and the song is Love and Girls. :)

Now playing

Any K-pop fans out there? I think I just found my summer jam.

Ugh, was just reading about this yesterday. Is it just me or does "Governments Get Girlfriends" sound like the governing body is finding someone to date? Like the dude is jealous of the government because it has a girlfriend.

I'm involuntarily not rich. Time to start a movement!

Allow me to fan the flames of Hiddles fire:

THIS. I started struggling with math in 4th grade and remember being so, SO frustrated because I knew something wasn't connecting that would help me learn better but most of my teachers just told be to quit making "dumb mistakes" when doing the problems. That, of course, didn't help matters. Going to after-school

And the occasional chitchitchitchit.