
I think most of us can agree that these restaurants are stupid and degrading to women, but nobody was forcing this woman to work at one.

“The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me

Oh please, this is not the same thing as ranching/farming families. She’s smiling with an animal she killed without reason.

Maybe my us history is rusty, but what's wrong with Jefferson?

My wedding was at a brewery and we ordered 40 pizzas instead of having a caterer. My wedding was fun as fuck.

Now playing

Not to make light of this but does it seem like prosecutors were watching Monty Python to come up with ways to prove the validity of the fetus?


By all accounts she wasn't good at her job, didn't get along with people, didn't take the good advice she was given. She filed the lawsuit the same month her husband declared bankruptcy, and he's subsequently been accused of fraud. I think the jury got this one right.

I like how they are criticised for using a police report but you have written a headline based on your imagination.

"Denmark, Dude"

Have to disagree with your last bit. The most virulently racist, sexist person I've ever known is an Aspie. He was raised with parents with those beliefs, and his ASD just makes him incredibly dogmatic about it. He will drone on for hours about the inferiority of black people and all women, and pick up on no cues to

Actually, women during the French Revolution started the modern day feminist movement in the 1790's.

This doesn't surprise me. I don't necessarily think the difference is because parenting is such a walk in the park for men. A lot of the young guys I know who are newer fathers are almost as stressed out as their wives, even if they tend to do less work with their babies, and resent having less freedom and some of the

i have no fucking idea how this turned into a discussion about child support and abortion, wtf.

.....Also the hypocrisy is further evidence that feminists are no different from any other group who play identity politics. On another thread I am being flamed over whether the reality of identity politics is that every group engages in a race to the bottom to try and "trump" other groups for accommodation,

I agree that there are a lot more options for girl's dressy clothes than boys. Ultimately though, the part most people are upset about is all the unnecessary opining about it. "Think modesty; don't draw attention to your body; show you are a lady; etc." That's not a word count issue, that's an issue of turning a

Yes, though it's weird that an assembly would be out of uniform. My school made us wear our "dress uniforms" on assembly days- boys in blazers and ties, girls in blazers.

Does the U.S. not do the "family washroom" thing? In Canada, it's pretty common (although by no means guaranteed) that there'll be a men's, a ladies' and then a single unit "family washroom" with a changing station for Mom/Dad to use, and usually a bench so you can park any older kids who can't be left alone outside.

Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the