
I was incarcerated in an Ontario jail recently and they have similar rules for males and for the same rationale. When female guards are on the range (cellblock), men have to be fully dressed. Even wearing shorts is considered "disrespectful." I mean shorts, not underwear! Also you have to wear your full jumper.

I call bullshit. Not every man outearns every woman, especially when comparing younger adults where women outearn men. I have dated lots of women who outearned me. Your feminist sloganism is overly simplistic. Feminists have a future in advertising and peddling snake oil, not politics or social justice.

This seems like an admission that women do not always give straight-up responses when it comes to dating/sex. There is a reason the common law has an “honest but mistaken belief in consent” defence. I have had plenty of situations where I was told, “I am not interest” or "we are not having sex tonight", and when I

The Vatican is not your usual state. A religion is meant to some extent stick to its dogma and not kowtow to political trends and changes in society. Gender roles in the church are firmly entrenched and are perfectly legitimate. Transsexualism, if accepted by the church, renders meaningless many of their tenets. For

The Catholic Church is not a democracy. They do not have to keep up with the times and current trends. It stands to reason they would be hostile toward transsexuals given the strict gender roles in the church. Otherwise it would render meaningless all of its gender-based tenets.

As a Canadian lawyer, I can speak for Canadian criminal law and she is technically still in breach of any driving ban as the definition of "motor vehicle" in our Criminal Code includes any means of conveyance other than by muscle power. There are lots of instances in the US where DUI offenders have been nailed for

Where did she ever accuse anyone of being a "lesbian"? All I read was he accusing students of being gay. Misleading headline!

As an MRA, it is overly gratifying to watch this unfold. If this were a male tricked into conception by a woman poking holes in a condom, it would all be about "the best interests of the child."

The problem, however, is that feminists take things to the extreme. It is one thing to be aware of, mostly, self-imposed restrictions on expressing one's self. It is another to be a complete bitch and needlessly adversarial. I know plenty of women who try to act more "aggressive" and "manly" in the workplace,

Normally these incidents are kept quiet by the lesbian community. Apparently domestic/dating violence is a perversion of this supposed “patriarchy.” Interestingly enough, when the same activists were rattling their tin cups for VAWA funding, they revealed that domestic violence in lesbian relationships is on par with

I had a bonner once

What century are you in? Being an Aboriginal Canadian, I can state first-hand that the paedophilia in the church was not exclusive to men. There were plenty of nuns who abused young girls (and some boys). I have members of my extended family who were abused by nuns.

So hypothetically if two people are equally inebriated, who gets charged with rape after the fact?

“Or, you know, stop having "sex" with black-out drunk people" ... Well what if both people are drunk? Shouldn't it stand to reason BOTH are committing a crime, not just the male?

Don't be so sure. Prison rapes are not only under-investigated, they are the butt (pun intended) of many jokes. Rape in female prisons, however, is taken seriously and gets serious media attention.

In our society, males tend to occupy outliers on a spectrum, while women hover in the stable median. This is part socialization and part biology. Anyone with basic knowledge of human biology knows this fact. The Y chromosome is described as “junk DNA” and as such is the culprit behind many genetic abnormalities and

There is a possible biological component to this trend. The Y chromosome is largely “junk DNA.” This is what explains why males as a group experience more genetic abnormalities and defects. This junk DNA is also responsible for evolution as it is God’s plaything so to speak. This manifests itself in males being all

The absolute prohibition, like most absolute prohibitions can result in absurdities. Using myself as an example, I am 32, I have several post-graduate degrees, but I still go back to take occasional courses for shits and giggles. Also I am a sessional instructor. Many of my peers are now profs. It would be an

It is a justifiable grievance. Men should not be told how to urinate anymore than women should be banned from using tampons because they may block toilets. It is possible to urinate in a standing position without causing a mess. Aim is key.

Sexual and Gender Diversity makes more sense. The GLBT and other junk added on is nonsensical.