
I don't disagree with your merits. All I am saying is Jezebel articles often shoot down men who complain, whether sound or unsound on the choices women make in choosing a mate. None of these articles would even delve into the merits of the soundness of the choices women make and whether they are "valid." However,

There is a logical inconsistency with these string of articles. There are several which slam douchy dudes who feel entitled to female attention. Fair enough. Women can choose whoever they wish to date or not date. However, there are lots of Jezebel articles which rag on dudes who insist on only dating women who are 22

Just Google "TIME" and stuff like young women outearn young men ... There are a pile of sources in Canada ... Plus this can be easily inferred given that it is a known fact that about 1 in 4 black males will see the inside of a prison cell ... Also a known fact from the Affirmative Action lawsuits that of the black

You guys have a vagoracy compared to where I live, Belize. You have nothing to complain about. The wage gap actually favour young, childless women. TIME and New York Times reported on this several times. I think Forbes did as well. Also the wage gap between black males and females favours females.... It seems when

My law school buddy (a male, ironically) has used "child care needs" as a tactical means to delay proceedings for a week or so lol ... In Canada, there is an equal right for both parents to parental leave. I don't know how it is in the US though.

The problem about granting continuances on child care needs for a new born is that is could be abused by any woman (or man for that matter) who has a newborn. In Canada adjournments are usually only granted for unexpected events. Even as a sole practitioner, she could have retained an agent to continue the case. That

A little bit of an over-reaction. The fact is despite PC bullshit, women still seek out "he-men." Some of my closest feminist friends admit that women seek stability. As a trend, women tend to marry up while men marry down. In other words, female doctors marry even higher paid male doctors as opposed to male nurses.

In fairness most women don't care or think about the ERA or paid maternity leave. The latter assumption is inconsistent with the feminist position that women are more than "baby making machines" and many women choose not to have children.

Umm where did I say women are not entitled to an unqualified right to be attracted to whoever they please? The whole point of the post was the very fact that Jezebel often rails against men who complain about women's choices in mates, yet they take the opposite position in this article. Sorry, I may have worded the

Hmm... I wonder what Jezebel would say to many men who do not want to be saddled with the parental responsibilities of fatherhood? I imagine it would be something like, "well you should have kept it in your pants, buddy." There is no way for a father to "opt out", be it a "male abortion" or simply walking away. There

I have always dated much older women. I still do. That said, the choice to choose one's mate is absolute. Jezebel has made that abundantly clear in every article it has ran chastising whiny men who feel hard done by because of what "type" women are or are not attracted to; Jezebel has been steadfast in holding an

True. Plus if this were a bunch of men pissing and moaning about the perceived irrationality and unfairness of the choices in mates women have, Jezebel would rake us over the coals!!

If it costs them money, then they will surely correct that pretty fast. As you said, Disney does have a success in marketing female characters to girls, and even boys (I admit I used to play with princess dolls as a kid lol).

I get the sense that there is a sense of "female entitlement" here. Jezebel rails against men who question women's dating choices. Seems to me that men, like women are free to choose who they are attracted to and men's decisions are no more subject to scrutiny than that of women. Refer to the many Jezebel articles

Is there some sort of "female entitlement" for male attention? Jezebel has tons of articles railing on the notion of "male entitlement" attitudes, the most recent being the OK Cupid douches. That is a sword which cuts both ways; women are not entitled to male attention and men are free to be attracted to whichever

Good point. Besides in Canada we had a similar protest.......... IN FEBRUARY!!! lol

Mary Daly, an author of many staple books in women's studies courses openly advocated against equality; she advocated for female supremacy.

This is no less absurd than the lesbian couple who sued a "mom & pop" Christian bed and breakfast (one with a nativity scene on the lawn) for refusing to accept a booking for their honeymoon.

How are men the ones taking advantage? It seems under the "Nordic Model", the women should be criminalized for buying sex. The men are providing sperm, about a $3500 (assuming multiple attempts) fair market value. Under the Nordic Model these men are helpless victims, incapable of providing meaningful consent. Sound
